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A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey there! If you have any constructive feedback and ideas on what to improve, please let me know:


Hey, grateful if you can play and comment on my prototype: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2227097

Here is mine:) a simple Zombie game with a few twists!


Hey, I'll rate you game in a second. If you fancy a simple Zombie game with a few twists, check out deep space zombie: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2227097

Hey, if you fancy a short one, please see and comment mine:


Cool idea! Here is my zombie game with a twist :)


thanks for playing and giving feedback! Much appreciated!

yeah, that was a last minute fix to prevent the player from moving out of the actual level. Great that you explored that area ;) thanks for playing 

Fair point! Thanks for prodiving the feedback! 

thanks! Much appreciated!

Maybe you got some secret moves :) 

Hey, really interesting! My initial idea was actually something similar but I failed to make it fun so scrapped it. Great to see that you succeeded making the idea fun haha!!

Great initiative! If you have some time and don't mind critiquing a zombie shooter with a twist, please check mine:


It is SO hard! Great Idea, I will check out your game now. This is mine:


Nice Idea! If you want some simple Zombie shooter: 


Let's goooo :)


Hey - great submission. I love it. Nice artwork and interesting interpretation of the theme! Awesome submission.

Wow- love the artstyle, especially the silhouettes in the intro and the game idea! Great submission!

Hey, congrats on finsihing the jam! I would recommend you go to your game page settings and set the flag to play it in full screen. At the moment I cannot play it because it very narrow and I don't see the full game: 

Hi all,

Meet the (draft) jam game "Deep Space Zombie" - the game adds a twist to a 2D Zombie shooter. In a remote galaxy, you are "diving deep" into a pitch black space ship - full of Zombies. Your bullets give you light, as well as your mouse cursor, but don't shoot mindlesssly as the more Zombies you kill, the more bullets spawn. Those bullets bounce off the walls and can kill you. A double trade-off you are facing!

 Get to the end of the corridor North to safety before time runs out!

I nearly scrapped this jam, started too late and had no breakthrough idea - but I cannot miss Brackey's jam. So, if anyone wants to provide some comments and feeback to this ealry version, please do :)

Hey there! I've just sent a discord request. Would be cool to discuss if I can support from an Art perspective (though I do not have that much time, mainly this weekend).

Hey, I might join - just sent a discord request. May not have that much time to do art stuff for example, but let's discuss :)

Hey there!

Just sent you a friend request (lopper). I just joined the jam and haven't thought about ideas yet, but if you are still available, perhaps we can team-up :)

Thanks for hosting the jam!

I am on vacation for the next 2 weeks and unable to Log into discord (lopper#9378) - so I won't be able to read your message until then - apologies!

Hi there! Awesome submission. The storytelling part was hilarious and a perfect transition into the game! Let's hope there is no sequel for that poor guy!

Hi there! Awesome game; only managed to drop off 6 kids, but I think they enjoyed the ride haha. I like the way the car is driving and the simplistic artwork! 

Hi there! Quite fun, fast paced and cute graphics; I really liked that it had music included as I think that is missing a lot of times in the jam!

Hi there! Loved it! Simplistic, cute, fun and challenging; Only thing I felt was missing was some 8bit retro music :) Great work, hope to see more games from you!

Hi there! Like the unconventional interpretation of the theme! It took a few attempts to figure out the mechanic, but it is really fun and unique; I was missing a little bit of player feedback through viusual clues or audio in general, I think that could have been some well invested time! This submission is definitely in the top 5 so far :)

Haha, as a German, I could not resist clicking on the game as I recognized the Lidl logo :) Fun game and quite good submission for this limited amount of time! 

Hi there!

Really impressive submission! That must have been a HUGE project to take on! Though I am not a fan of this genre, this one was really nice even for me not being the target audience! Really deep mechanics, lots of thinkgs to figure out and well done on the art part! It almost feels like a finished mobile game already :) 

Hi there!

I really LIKE this one; yes, it is incomplete, but it could have easily been my favorite submission for this jam! 

Hey there! Really cool interpretation of the theme; nice graphics and cute sound; I enjoyed the game and I think it fits really well for this theme; congrats on finishing a game with 6 people - that must have been lots of communication haha! Only bit that was a bit annoying was getting the blue sheep across the bridge to the right side, but being a dog ain't easy!

Yea, the infinite jump is kindof a feature - I thought it is nice to comensate for the wobbly movement :)

Nice! Only managed 21 points :D Well done!

Hey there! Are you still looking to Team Up? I might fancy on doing simple 2d artwork? I am GMT Zone though 

Nice selection! Looking forward to the jam!

Hi there!

I really liked the idea and the concept; I did struggle though with the movement speed, it took too long to move from A to B and I gave up after 10 seconds. I think if the speed is fixed, it can be an enjoyable game with puzzles and such! 

Hi there!
Wow! So far this is my favorite game of the jam; it is indeed really nice and relaxing and very smooth transition from flying to swimming. I think it would add even more depth if you add in a few exploration elements, i.e. being able to discover some hidden areas and encourage players to take a risk by flying/swimming into less populated areas and increase re-palyability of the game! Awsome work my friend!