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Hi! I am aware of the bugs and am working to fix them. As for the character, it was from as well as the animations. I realised that after the export of the game, the sound files were corrupted, but I am working to try and get some back. I don't plan on doing much more with the game currently as I am already working on other things... though I am thinking of a psychosis 2 with more gameplay, story, sfx and more. So look out for that :)

I appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!

Thank you for your quick reply! :) It's great to hear that the game initially did have more sounds and i must say: if you manage to restore it i would love to play it again. The breathing sound in the 2nd train creeped me and i really wish there is more of it! I appreciate your kind reply and I love the fact you even answered on the asset/character (that is not often seen :) )

All that is now bugging me is that I cant remember where i have seen the guy from the train befor, but that doesnt matter for you in this case. I did enjoy it and in the end, i am happy i didnt get jumped so hard that i would lose my sleep for next 2 weeks :D

A second game would be great, i would not even mind it being a second Slender game, but i would love a little less confusion in the story :) 

I will definatly hit that follow button and wait for either an update on the sound or a 2nd game :O Even with some edges here and there one of the better games i tested on this website :)

also i want to apologize for sounding maybe a little rude in the first post, i did enjoy after all!!

Good luck to you in the future <3

Thanks for the kind words! Yes I will be working soon on the second game and no worries I didn't think the comment was rude :) I appreciate the constructive criticism. It really helps me out!

finally updated. Just thought I should let you know :)