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Very cool. I laughed really hard when I had to sit for 3 minutes watching the pirate take each and every coin out of my purse haha. I watched your devlog too, really nice and short. And I can appreciate that you're having to do all this while on dad mode; great job! In the video you mentioned having a hard time resetting the level, did you consider re-loading the Unity scene? You should also check out Unity's skeletal animation system, it makes animation these 2d characters really easy :) You crafted a really nice experience, great job!

thanks tylR for the encouraging words! And you were still able to beat the boss after those 3 min, right? Lol.  I did consider reloading the entire scene, but since it's only 1 scene, there really wasn't a good spot for me to add another scene and still have the kind of effect I was going for (especially since I wanted that transition effect from title screen to the level to be smooth).

 Using a skeleton was my first goal with my characters, but when I opened the sprite editor and changed to skinning editor, everything dissappeared (the sprite was a single sprite), then when I changed it to multiple sprite, I was only able to make a bone on one sprite at a time and I didn't know how to connect them together. I think it got too late, so I just stuck with animating each body part in the animator. 

Thanks for your great suggestions! If you know how to add bones to a single sprite and still have the body parts be on different layers, Id love to hear how to do it! Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

You might be able to still keep your nice title transition by using an additive scene for either the game or the title. But either way you still pulled off the replaying really well! For the skinning editor, you export your sprite as a .psb which Unity can import using the "PSD Importer" asset. Unity will notice your body parts are on different layers and will automatically split them as a "multiple" type sprite. Brackey's has a good tutorial, and after an hour or so you should be set! Good job once again :)

ah, yes! I remember now, I watched brackey's video but he uses photoshop. I use krita but krita doesn't have (as far as I found) an equivalent  psd exporter like photoshop does. Thanks again!

(1 edit) (+1)

I use Krita too! It can export to psd but not psb, but there is a way to convert between the two. Export to PSD then convert the file to PSB using "magick".
Idk if you can convert with the GUI but I do it from the terminal like so: "magick convert my_image.psd my_image.psb"

sweet! That's so awesome! Can't wait to test that out with my pirate sprites! Thanks again!