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here is my rating, after seeing one or two posts, i figure out that the ratings were images, and not a special option that you can activate somewhere in the page lol...

i rated the music with one star because there is no music, only because of that...
now, the game is awesome : 

 * i really liked the chill and empty atmosphere that you achieved with your design, really well made.

* i liked the philosophical tone of the game.

* the dialog system is really clean and well designed.

* man, this game has potential to become a mind bending psychological adventure,like, if you put different endings and sequences based on the choices, that could lead to a game like the stanley parable, but in a snowy mountain.

i totally imagined aliens or a Cthulhu thing in the top of the mountain lol, or a brainwash experiment made by some corporation like umbrella, anyway, great game man!!! here is my rating


This was my first story like game, so I hope it wasn't super boring.  I love all those games you mentioned.

I wish I could have add more interesting stuff but what can you do, it is a game jam :)

Thank you for kind words my dude!

you are welcome, i didn't make a story like game yet, they are hard to do, specially for the can really make a great game if you continue working on this idea after the jam (or maybe yo planned to make this for the jam only, idk)

i have seen the  games in your page , they look great, i will play them when the rating period is over