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Nice unique take on gameplay and the minimal style in both visuals and sound arevery satisfying, enjoyed those aspects a lot.

I initially found it quite hard to see what I was as the player (resulting in me failing the first round) and then found the movement quite hard to get into with it never quite landing where I wanted... but come to think of it perhaps that's part of the meditation challenge!

Thanks so much for your feedback and kind comments :)
I'm still undecided on what to do about the movement, some people like the driftiness (I'm one of them, it can feel very satisfying to wiz around when you get the hang of it) but others feel too out of control, and I don't blame them, if you feel like you have to battle your own controls then it's not good. So I'm having a big think about that! Glad you liked it :)

It's late so I'm leaving your game open on my screen so I can remember to try it tomorrow when I wake up :D