Nope, the CGs definitely didn't use my original color choices, sorry! I'm excited that soon they'll reflect my changed appearances, I love giving my MC fun colored hair.
Ooh, bundles as rewards would be a lot of fun. I like that idea. I think designing something specific was more interesting than just fullfilling the random designs. It's more fun to me to make something pretty. And with the bundles as a prize, the challenge might feel worth it for people who struggle. You could also consider making the non-major-plot items skippable like anything else.
I had no idea the colors were grouped! I was painstakingly matching exact colors. Ha, I might still do so, I think I liked it. But at least I know that I don't have to in case I get frustrated.
Now that I've gone fierce, I don't know if I can go back! I probably wont pick ALL fierce next time, but they were soooo funn! Actually. poor Dimitri may never see a single kind option, he's a delight to tease. At least he seems to like it!
Specific spoilers, ahoy!~
I think I was initially put off by my expectations based on their descriptions. I guess I was expecting a sweet childhood friend route from Neil and a more sibling-esque route from Dimitri. I figured that Neil would start off all cold and ice prince, and wasn't expecting that he'd be hilariously awkward and sadly overstressed. The flailing humanized him quite a bit and the moments of sweetness were just enough to show depth. I didn't expect him to be funny! Then I was expecting Dimitri's route to be pure innocence (not my thing), and instead I've been gleefully tormenting him into blushing (my very favorite thing). I think it's more that I've come to expect certain things from certain descriptions for attainable characters in otome games. So I was expecting fluffy tropes, and instead I got fully fleshed out adult characters. I'm very pleased to have been wrong!
I hope this helps. If you'd like more feedback, you have but to ask- I'm very happy to oblige!