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I definitely see the binding of isaac inspiration here! Really great art-style and an interesting theme about the more "power-ups" you acquire the less strong you become :)

I don't know if the emotion (peace, happiness, anger) I chose actually affected gameplay but it would be nice if they were different. Also sometimes when you enter a "room" the monsters attack you straight away meaning you don't have enough time to dodge/attack back. Perhaps a 1-2 second delay when you enter "rooms" could easily fix this problem ^^

Overall, amazing job!

For now, the difference between emotions is in attack damage and speed. That's not easy for the player to see the difference. We plan on creating different attacks and behaviours for each different emotion you get, and maybe attack combination and you get three different emotions.

Indeed when you enter rooms sometimes you can't dodge some of the monsters attacks. We'll fix that in the next update :)

Thanks a lot for your feedback ! :)