I see someone reference to Wings and the Amiga and I therefore need to upvote and comment! Welcome brother!
Quite a detailed post. I’ve not had any issues with seating myself at all, maybe it is only in specific situations or how we look around. Maybe when some look up and left, they also twist their bodies and don’t come back to the same exact position. I know personally it seems to work properly but as you mention, maybe it is dépendant on certain planes
- What would be the point of the blip switch / turning off/on the engines?
- Good point on the engine throttling sound!
- The devs have mentioned about the guns jamming and the reloading mechanism. To me, it seems they are one and the same but I do think there should be a difference and I like your suggestion of random gun Jams. They should sound different than the regular “it’s faster to hit the gun to reload”. I think it’s a good idea to reload as you suggest, just not sure if the devs can fit yet another pouch to store the Ammo clips. The problem is also that I think not all guns had the same loading of the gun ammo so how do they make the experience similar between planes? Great ideas though, maybe they can come up with something
- You can install updates right on top of your existing installation and not lose your progress. Just do NOT uninstall first and you will be ok
- I suspect the reason why they do not allow the missions to continue once the primary objectives are completed is because theoretically you could continue in infinity. Just a guess but this is probably because there is no limit to the spawning of the enemy fighters.
- My own recommendations:
- Add an option that when we get shot, we fly ALL the way down. One thing I liked on the Amiga’s Wings is that we could get shot down and survive (I don’t remember, I think it factored in time wasted as a negative Consequence?). But sometimes we’d die right in the cockpit, I remember the head of the pilot leaned over with blood LOL. Anyway we cant have this here, we are the pilot eheh
however an advanced campaign mode could! There could still be a consequence to surviving: you lose your plane but you keep your stats, abilities/medals! The consequence to death is you reload the previous mission but at the cost of having lost your medals/perks. This would be a good way to incorporate the ability to land and take off. A Successful landing on a crippled plane (ie: wing damage) has benefits compared to the semi-perma death of just plain dying