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I played this game almost all the way through (I couldn't get past the three trees even with the guide unfortunately :/ ) and I really enjoyed it!

First of all, visually, BEAUTIFUL. I loved the backgrounds, the pixel art characters were cute. But most importantly, I really loved the silhouette art on the journal, inventory and text boxes. Really set the mood very well. The concept is also really interesting! And I enjoyed how deep the lore went.

In terms of things I felt could be done better.... I noticed myself using the guide a lot, not because I wanted to get through it quickly, but just because without it, I had no idea what I was doing. I feel like there needs to be more interactions that can clue the player both in on the puzzles and also into Mira as a character. At the beginning, when you go to the dirt pile and Mira says she needs a shovel, and you remember seeing a shovel... THAT was perfect! More interactions like that would be great. Even if it's the masked kids giving little clues, or Mira having another thought while looking at the puzzles.

I also feel like the game could have a couple more visual cues. For instance... maybe the fox could have an exclamation point above his head when he's ready with the riddle. Or maybe the tree trees could have vague silhouette shaped holes in them where the sigils go. I also think it would be nice if an icon appeared above something that could be interacted with. (For instance, I got stuck in the autumn part because I thought the rabbit's note was out of reach since it was on the stump. If an icon appeared above it when I approached it, that could be fixed). All of these things would keep the player from second guessing themselves and would instead let them focus on the story.

In terms of sound, the music is great!! However, I think it would sound a bit better if it was just one flat track playing at the same volume the whole time. I don't know if it was a bug or not, but going from room to room made the sound sweep from one ear to the other. This was kind of unsettling while wearing headphones xD. Also a little sound design would deffs add a lot to the game, especially a sound for picking up items!

Those are all the little issues that I think by addressing you could make the game even better! Now, if you have time to expand it in the future... storywise... the whole concept is great! I love the idea of the storybook and Blake being the rabbit is a great twist! However, I feel like that twist won't affect the player very much unless they know how important Blake is to Mira. Having him mentioned in the lore is a great start... but if we could see more one liners from Mira... wishing Blake were there, reminding herself to focus to find Blake, worrying if Blake is alright, then the moment when Blake is revealed to be the Rabbit would be a lot more powerful! That would also slow down the pacing a bit and make it easier to ease into the world!

Great job on this so far! I hope you'll keep working on and expanding the game! Keep up the good work!


Thank  you so much for reviewing the game and taking the time in explaining all the flaws we had as well ^^

I sincerely thank you for complimenting the art! I really appreicate it a lot! I also believed we could have done better but unfortunately, we had to cut the story about half way in! By no means am I complaining but since this is techically Momei Doumei's first jam together, I'm glad we did surprisingly well!

Me and meido definitely will take note of all these things! We were discussing over the story many times and the gameplay a lot because there wasn't simply enough character interaction that we decided to do lots of lore pages to give the story more depth! Although the game is a bit buggy and very unpolished. We're glad you played all the way through! Oh and once again, thank you :D
