Phantasmal Pixel Pirouette (PPP) is pretty fun. It suffers from a few major flaws that really hindered the enjoyment I felt but its a game-jam game, those things are practically unavoidable. Since I've nothing better to do, (I do, I'm just procrastinating.) I thought I'd dive into each game and what they're made of.
The first Game: Rock Paper Scissors 2 (electric boogaloo)
Controls: Z to shoot, shift to focus, arrow keys to move.
Its a pretty standard Danmaku Shmup with a twist: You move really, really slow. You thought Yuuka in POFV was slow? Well, you're right, but the PC in this game is even slower, with focus moving you at pixel speed. Thankfully the bullets are pretty slow too and with a little foresight you should be able to get by. Except for the last spell card; that one's a safe spot one.
Overall, pretty fun. The slow movement is annoying but it achieves what it set out to do; anyways, this is only the first of three.
The second Game: I can't believe its not DDR!
Controls: Arrow keys. YOU are on the left screen.
Its DDR! What else is there to say? …Well, for one the input lag is pretty rough, you're better off pressing to the music rather than what you see on the screen, and HOLY DUNG!

Overall, blisteringly hard, but the music bops and its still pretty fun mashing.
Finally, the Last and Third Game: Ultimate California Driver 1964

A pretty standard racing game, you drive and drift past checkpoints in order to make it around the course and the lap. Probably the game I had the most fun with. Its pretty bare-bones but for something made in such a short time its really enjoyable. I even made it out of the border once when I was messing around.
Fun fact: The course you race on is the background of RPS2. Its little details like this that I really enjoy.
Overall, Fun. Nothing more to say about it.
Conclusion: Its a really well made game considering it was made in 3-Days. The amount of content in it is staggering, and while there are problems, it was still pretty fun. 4/5.