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A member registered Jan 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is a bit of an odd one out, an idol management game within a jam full of visual novels and pixelized games. I can't exactly say the gameplay is for everybody, but I found it fun. One thing I can praise though is the neat and stylish presentation of the game, and I would've enjoyed seeing the character art, even if they were just reskins.

Cute game. Love the art-style, and the gameplay's fun, if a bit unpolished.  Audio(there's not a category for that strangely enough) is decent enough too. A pretty solid game in all aspects. ^

Fun game. It uses the wrap-around mechanic pretty well, and the controls work. It is what it says it is - a short arcade game.

Really fun! I love everything about this game, from the RPG elements to the combat to the puzzles. Its hard to believe this was done in just 2 weeks considering how sold it is. Maybe some of the puzzles could use a bit more polish, and there were a few bugs here and there, but I thoroughly enjoyed the game. 10/10

This game drips with personality, and charm, and polish, and it wears it with pride. Puns aside, this game is really good! I don't know why it has relatively few view when its so polished and has a dump-ton of content. How did you manage to create such a complete story (albeit a joke one) in just 3 days? Maybe its just because I like RPGs, but this is easily one of the best games in this game Jam. 5/5. 

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Wow. That is tough. This is a great game, simple but executed really well, and I really appreciate the auto mode for people who want to see the full game but aren't the best at rhythm games like me. That kind of consideration really shows the care that was put into this. Probably one of the best in the jam. 5/5

High-Score: 361 

I think why I, and a lot of others it seems looking at the comments, struggled with the controls was partially because the 'flight' didn't match our expectations.

At least, when I imagine someone from the Touhou series 'flying', I imagine it as a lot snappier and more responsive than this. Like, in the Bullet hell games, you can stop, hover, and instantly speed away in a different direction. In this however, flight is more momentum based; you can't turn 180 and expect to keep your speed. 

Still, after a few minutes I kind of got the hang of it and it was pretty fun. One thing I think its missing is sound; if you could add like subtle sounds of wind moving past and water moving I think it'd really add to the immersion and make it feel like you were really flying around Gensokyo.

The jokes were pretty funny; Fusion dance and Yu-Gi-Oh fusion if I'm not wrong? And well, its a game jam game and the fact that you managed to make it in 3 days is pretty amazing. Well that goes for all of the great games posted here I think, but still, I really enjoyed playing your game and hope to see more. It was only like 15 minutes anyways, not exactly a big waste of time for my standards. Sorry for the somewhat late response.

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Behold, The Ultimate Lifeform!

But all jokes aside, that took way longer than it had any right to. The combination of units, while fun, gets old after a while and a skip or speed up button would be greatly appreciated. Maybe even have a 'combine multiple' option that looks like one of those 'Spongebob says "Patrick that's a gun" 4294967296 times' videos, if you know what I'm talking about.

That aside, the game is pretty nice, it 'combines' merge 2 elements with RTS and is pretty fun, if a bit easy. 3.5/5.

The cute screenshots I saw did not properly ready me for the hardest game I've played today. The crazy stuff you have to do to get through it is insane; I must have taken 30+ minutes on beating this and I'm proud to say that I managed to beat the game. 

Some tips for those who are struggling: your sword swipe hits much farther and for longer than you might think; and you can hit the same bell more than once to gain a bit more height. Overall, very challenging but cute, game. 4/5 (3rd in a row, seeing a pattern here?).

Probably the most fun game I've played today. Its challenging, but the controls are intuitive and you can quickly become accustomed to them and do some pretty skillful stuff. I.E. switching quickly between attacks in order to make use of their cooldowns while dodging can make you feel like a god. The lack of any audio hurts it a bit, but its still a really solid game. An easy 4/5.

P.S. There's also an Easter egg hidden somewhere in the game. Just examine your surroundings carefully and you'll probably find it. Have fun!

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Phantasmal Pixel Pirouette (PPP) is pretty fun. It suffers from a few major flaws that really hindered the enjoyment I felt but its a game-jam game, those things  are practically unavoidable. Since I've nothing better to do, (I do, I'm just procrastinating.) I thought I'd dive into each game and what they're made of.

The first Game: Rock Paper Scissors 2 (electric boogaloo) 

Controls: Z to shoot, shift to focus, arrow keys to move.

Its a pretty standard Danmaku Shmup with a twist: You move really, really slow.  You thought Yuuka in POFV was slow?  Well, you're right, but the PC in this game is even slower, with focus moving you at pixel speed. Thankfully the bullets are pretty slow too and with a little foresight you should be able to get by. Except for the last spell card; that one's a safe spot one.


Overall, pretty fun. The slow movement is annoying but it achieves what it set out to do; anyways, this is only the first of three.

The second Game: I can't believe its not DDR!

Dance Tap Till You Drop!

Controls: Arrow keys. YOU are on the left screen.

Its DDR! What else is there to say? …Well, for one the input lag is pretty rough, you're better off pressing to the music rather than what you see on the screen, and HOLY DUNG!

Oh no
I'll admit, I'm terrible at rhythm games, but WOW, the speed at which these arrows move across your screen, you'd expect them to travel back in time. You'd have to be amazing at these types of games to get anything above a negative score. Or maybe it's just my computer... it might be honestly.

Overall, blisteringly hard, but the music bops and its still pretty fun mashing.

Finally, the Last and Third Game: Ultimate California Driver 1964

Controls: Arrow Keys to move, accelerate. and decelerate, and shift to drift.

A pretty standard racing game, you drive and drift past checkpoints in order to make it around the course and the lap. Probably the game I had the most fun with. Its pretty bare-bones but for something made in such a short time its really enjoyable. I even made it out of the border once when I was messing around.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right track.

Fun fact: The course you race on is the background of RPS2. Its little details like this that I really enjoy.

Overall, Fun. Nothing more to say about it.

Conclusion: Its a really well made game considering it was made in 3-Days. The amount of content in it is staggering, and while there are problems, it was still pretty fun. 4/5.

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You two really got 'ahead' of the pack with these puns didn't you.

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I play Pot of rinnosuke! This card allows me to draw 2 new cards from my deck! This game is probably the funnest out of the 11 or so touhou game jams I've played. I've noticed a few things about the game that I'd like to point out, though take them with a grain of salt because none of these are definitive. 

  • The A.I. seem to briefly stop moving towards you when a spell card such as "Aeolus Bless"or"Drizzle With Red Leaves",which can save you some damage if you're moving away with "Bamboo Dragonfly"
  • "Pot of rinnosuke"is relatively useless at the beginning of the card battles, but near the mid-to-end where MP comes in abundance, it can help alleviate a shortage of cards.
  • Ambush bomb seems to completely stop the A.I. if you surround them in it.
  • Money seems to always be in abundance, though that might be because of the "Marisa Patronizing" Event not taking away nearly as much money as it says it does. I.E. 'Marisa patronizes the store; lose 4356 blue dots!(the currency)' 15468 => 15112. Either its a graphical glitch or I need my eyes checked.
  • The Jedi Mathematician legend you get from a random event is just generally useful, especially if seiga refuses to give you any pot of rinnosukes.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

  • Do Not, use the last word Yukari gives you near the end of the game by sticking to the A.I. to damage them. The damage really isn't all that much, at the least, not enough to outweigh the damage you take. You can still use spell cards, so its better to use it as a means of transportation or just to mess around with near the end of the battle. Take it from someone who lost their 1st two runs on the final battle like an idiot because of it.
  • Near the beginning of the game, if you choose to cheat Flan you get 2999 blue dots and a legend called "Speculator". If you choose to be a hero, you get 200 blue dots, a legend called "Good Guy". and Flan gives you a "Lavaeteinn" which you can't use until the 4th(24th on the calendar) day. Curiously, although the game says that the bonus of the legend you get when being a hero is "recover shield value by 10% after each battle.", when you check the legend in the menu, the bonus is seemingly the same as the one you get for cheating Flan, "Speculator", even though the legend listed is "Good Guy", that being "The money you gain for fighting increase by 10%".