D'aww, snow blessing! Even though I'm a bit late, here:
Happy Birthday, Yanonako! May you be blessed with health, wealth, peace, and I wish you live as long as the Nile river! x'D
Cheers for another fun-filled year! 🎉🎊
Aah, I don't fault you for lots of cats photos--I also got lots of photos of my doggos rofl. Can't resist ><
Hmm, Thropy room in the 'Extra' section, huh? That was a great idea! OuO)b
I'll try to implement it after I've finished writing all the main bachelors' routes & put it up for patreon & indiegogo backers' early-access! It shouldn't be too difficult.
Well, I hope you had fun at your birthday but when you go out to admire the snow, please take care, I heard the vaccine for covid is not the final version? Eat plenty, drink, distance yourself, and wash your hands often! >:D
SweetChiel <3