There's a whole lot that I like about this! It's a much more interesting take than the usual one on "alchemy" games. I really appreciate you highlighting which things the player can drag a selected object onto; the story is amusing; the hinting is useful.
There's also unfortunately some spelling errors (it looks in some places like a spell-checker was used? For instance, "Eldridge" looks like a spellchecker replaced a misspelling of "eldritch", and capitalized it because Eldridge is a name), and a few TODO descriptions (e.g., the slime). The biggest thing I might want is a notebook or the like where the player can check how they made which things--at one point I had clay, and then I was never able to make clay again. (It turned out that was because I needed to drag one piece of flint to a pot, and all my flint was in stacks of three, and dragging a stack of three flint to a pot does something different.)
I'm also stuck at a point where the hint at the top is telling me that three gold cylinders plus three gold cylinders produces six gold cylinders, which I could have guessed, but also I have no idea what those three gold cylinders are.