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(1 edit) (+1)

I herebly announce that you were worthy of hearing my critisms on this game.


You made a wonderful take on the theme, I for myself could just feel the cringe in all the dialogs and (apparently not in singing as you wrote on discord, it was really cute :3) character development. 


Characters are really well drawn, backgrounds are pretty good fitting (I was so into the story, that actually I forgot I will be rating the artistic part too :P). Maybe the only concern I had were the options we had on the bottom of the screen (they were a bit too overwhelming, before I've learned to just ignore them) and maybe it would be great to add some more character expressions, or pictures (like the pond).

oh, meteor was really cool, sad that he wanted to use it only once :P


You could say that visual novels don't have much of gameplay aspects, but it's not true! I really loved that I had some options to influence the story and that they really had a meaning (I've missed understood what 'I like the Adam' means in terms of just that I wanted to ignore that other girl and ended up getting on him and it really made me giggle a lot when I understood what this option really meant :P). 

I wish there were even more interactions, but I know how it is with the time on the game jam and so it's totally ok :) I'm already impressed on how much content you have in it!


Music is great, I've loved all the music parts that were used, transitions between them are great! And it's probably the first game jam game I've seen that has vocal song! And that's amazing, it went really well, especially with ending when you sing together <3 That was really something.

Game Design:

Game itself is really well written. Story starts interesting because of the idea itself and great jokes, dialogs and just character development (the way Robin starts to look at the world with every attempt is really fascinating). I was never good with writing stories for games (I envy you :P), so I'm really impressed how well you engaged me and that I really wanted to make Li happier this all time. 

Game ended much faster than I've expected (even tho it was much longer than I've expected before playing :P), but ending is really heart-lifting and you left the smile on my face, so it's already a sign of an amazing game, when you make someone happier even a bit.


Well, thank you. I'm really glad I've played your game and I just wish you all the best!


Thank you so very much for this review! You can't believe how happy it made me. Since this is our first original Visual Novel, this also means that this is the first proper review I ever got for something like this!

It's great that you also had some ideas for improvements. When sending these things to friends, they usually have a hard time pointing out issues, so this is incredibly helpful!

I'm especially glad that the vocal parts turned out alright. I stopped cringing at hearing my own voice after listening to it over and over during testing, but still felt like it may come across as unprofessional (then again, Li isn't a professional singer, so I guess that checks out).

Also, the feedback on the story is incredibly valuable. It's hard to get people to read original fiction when you aren't an established author, so getting proper feedback on it is even harder.

I often wonder whether I wrote an appealing beginning or whether it's just too boring and won't keep reader's wanting to dig deeper. It's difficult to tell since I already know what's going to happen, so it's great that you provided a feedback for that.

Getting out all those words on time for the jam was quite the crunch, but I'm happy I did, especially knowing that there are people out there that appreciate the work!

I already told the rest of the team about this review, so the composer, artist, etc. can read your feedback on their respective elements. I'm sure they'll be delighted :)

Thanks again, for taking your time to leave this amazing review!


I'm really glad that you find this review helpful :) 
Probably I've mentioned most of the things I had in mind in the feedback itself (I wish I could make it even longer and give better tips, but firstly I would probably need to develop myself into storytelling a bit to do that, so maybe with some future projects of yours :P)
Also I wanted to ask you if there is a way to hear the soundtrack of the game, as I would really love to do that in some free time :)

Thanks again for this experience :)

You can! Here's the link:

oh that's amazing, thank you so much :)

oh that's amazing, thank you so much :)