Wow, thank you for this amazing feedback! I'm sure Illumenos and I can incorporate this into a future version of this tool! I know he wants to expand it to also offer help to artists wanting to draw the frames/expressions for lip flaps, so I'm sure there'll be an update sooner or later.
We were actually looking at "proper" software licenses first (both of us are coming from a software development background, but neither does a lot of work in the open source community or with Python for that matter), but then figured that nothing would stop us from just slapping CC BY on it and call it a day, especially since we want the rest of the repo's content to be available for people as well, and for the art and music CC BY felt more appropriate. But yeah, definitely a weird choice and we were discussing MIT/Apache as well before just going with one license for everything.
As I already said, neither of us is using Python professionally, so this was all kinda hacked together within the time constraints of several game jams without digging deeper into the language and its best practices or really paying much attention to quality. So getting pointers for this is especially interesting for us. Usually we just take a break after jams because we're all tired, and then when the next jam rolls around it's all deadlines and stress again, so no one ever takes the time to truly figure stuff out. This is super helpful and a great way to get us to sort things out.
Thanks again,