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Sweet game! It was a pretty fun game with a unique concept to boot! The targeting mechanics were pretty impressive, I liked how whenever an ant had picked something up it leaves the group you are selecting, that was a nice QOL feature!

A few things you could improve:

- Add a little targeting indicator that shows the current location the ants are walking towards

- Display how many ants you are currently selecting

- Make the mid-game a bit more varied, I saw the cool boss at the end but in between that would just be a lot of just bringing everything on the map back to your home and that would get tedious

Overall good job! I enjoyed your game

Thanks for playing my game! Any opinion and critics are welcome thank you! 

Indeed, it is impossible to tell where a ant is going with just a glance... I used just a small square for the ants for them to feel weak, because of the theme. The lack of a head to know where it is going can be a nuisance. Thanks for suggestion, a little indicator can be good.

Actually, i was going to implement various UI stuff to tell, selection, and stuff like that, but had no time...

The mid-game is kinda tedious because i had not time, sorry...


oh the ant sprites are fine, that wasn't the issue! You know whenever you play an RTS game and target a place on the ground then a little targeting indicator shows up? That's what I meant

No need to apologize, flaws are natural in a game jam, it comes from the time constraint!