Thanks for doing this for us! :)
Could you check out Cat-Powered UFO?
regarding this review thing that sounds awesome! im always looking for people to try out "Survival of the Fittest" on my profile.
no pressure if your busy!
Here you will find the gameplay video with the review for your game... I played as long as I could, giving my review as well, I will write as well here and guide you with the video so you can take a closer visual look. I do need your support though, so subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
Here you will find the video and also I will give you my review too... I would really need your support so if you can, subscribe to the channel.
- The game is lovely, I like the style of it, the funny NPCs as well when you react with them... I truly admire your work here ♥
- There was a glitch at the arriving point inside the ship when you go all the way up you will be stuck behind that half cricle thing and I could even go beyong the ship borders to the dark sky (I could not save the file to show you that, it got corrupted).
Now, I will be in the future playing the entire game again and give my full review and record as well a full gameplay in one video... I will do my best to do that soon.