A high-score game! nice :)
The pace is good, waves of enemies are challenging, the highscore being saved is a good bonus !
My points;
- I like the fact modules makes you stronger as the shoot with you and add combos to the score. Be careful though, it seems that the combos are reset after the waves ends, I don't know if it is normal.
- I reeeeeally like the fact that you can die in one shot even after picking some modules. It means your core is not invincible, and you have to be careful of that, good idea!
- To make the modules feel more part of the core, I would have made their hitboxes count around borders, so the bigger you are, the less you can stick to walls.
- I was curious on how you saved the highscore and went on my computer folders to check on it. Opened the player file and discovered a pretty long list of error by accident, I think you might want to know it :p. It seems you have a NullReferenceException on each loop at some point(s). It happens for EnemyAI.Update() [Transform.get_position ()] and ModuleShoot.Update () [Transform.get_rotation ()]. Maybe you try to access them even after they get destroyed ;)
Good game overall, a little more to make it a ready to launch mobile or PC little game imo ;)