Thank you so much for this awesome feedback and great encouragement.
So for the score combo, it was last thing I added and it is little bit rushed. When you destroy enemy the combo increases and when you won't destroy any enemy for few second the combo resets and as it was literally last thing I didn't think about that if there won't be any enemies between the waves you will loose your score.
The colliders of modules are really bad, because my original detection script didn't worked so I just decided to use trigger collider and well ... that is terrible way to do it. I also tried adding normal collider after you collect enemy, but then they couldn't sometimes join you because they couldn't pass trough player and other modules. I tried solving this with the collision matrix, but it just wouldn't work.
Uhm also colliders of enemies aren't working ... at all so if you go near enemy, enemy will retreat and you can push him out of the map.
And for the errors. The code is just bad. :D If I decide to turn this into full game I will have to rewrite a lot of stuff.
So actually now I wanted to work on mobile game I even have a decent idea for it, but now after your feedback I am thinking about turning this into a full game. Thanks again.
Also my English is really bad so there might be some mistakes in this text.