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I believe your second variation looks the best of the three, although if you are going for a NES styled game, i'd say that the third one is better. The first doesn't look like he has a front arm on first look, and also looks like he is leaning backwards for some reason.

For the sprite sheet, cell 1x4, is that a climbing sprite or just a hanging sprite? It would be cool to see the character climbing walls in some way, although that is up to you and how you want the play style to be.

I think,I will choose the second one too. When I read your comment, I get my mistake about first one. I didn't do right shading next to his front arm. So he really looks like he is leaning back.

1x4 is ledge grap sprite. Maybe I can add some animation to that state or some walking on wall or sliding animation :D

Thanks a lot for your detailed  comment. :)

No problem. This isn't a competition. Just a cool way to get soon cool games out there. Looking forward to playing as many of them as possible.

Yeah, You are right. I'm following people on Twitter, there are really good games. I cannot wait for submissions.