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Oookay, I was actually waiting for a difficult game after those all caps warnings but it was rather tame really.  😎

Why was the pink dude so dirty looking on the game itself? Compared to this end picture it looks like there is like 10% opaque black layer on top of it and it makes it look dirty.

You should probably also learn how to make scalable UIs...

The physics and controls were a bit floaty and wonky. You could even land from a jump without it detecting it which put you in a state where couldn't jump anymore because the game thought you were still in air. But it fixed itself after I dropped down back to the lower platform here.

The wall hugging felt awkward too and it made it possible to do some probably unintentional wall jump skips. The floaty jump made it hard to precisely do these jumps where you needed accurately land between spikes.

The way too big spike hitboxes didn't help either. Especially on places like on the picture below it was quite frustrating really.

Difficulty was pretty much all over the place. The most difficult ones were the second and third one I think and everything past that trampoline level was a complete breeze. Even the final level that looked daunting at first was easily cheesed by skipping a major part of the level.

The whole two player thing was kinda moot. I don't think anyone has the brains and dexterity to play both dudes at the same time so it ends up being just two shorter levels where you need to switch controls in between. Would need some more interactivity between the two sides like needing blue dude to open a door for the pink one and so on. 

The time limit was just an annoyance! And was even worse when there was no way to manually restart. So sometimes you screwed up enough in the first half of the level that you wouldn't have enough time for the second part but you still had to try even though you knew you'd fail. Not too fun. It doesn't add anything to the game in my opinion. Having it the other way around and it would display you clear time and maybe give you some star amounts based on it might actually motivate players to try again faster.

It was quite a weird choice that you got to keep the key after death. That very ofter meant that your best plan of attack was to just grab it and jump to the closest spikes since the previous checkpoint was already closer to where you wanted to be. And the key having actual physics collider felt super weird when you did that awkward half landing on it while grabbing it.

Aight, it might seem like I'm just criticising the game but it was quite enjoyable experience. Good job! 👍 


Thanks for the feedback, appreciate the depth you put into this post! I agree with a lot of the criticism, and I myself wish I had the time to fix it. Was my first time working in Unity, as most of my experience up to this point has been in Unreal Blueprints. In the week since the Jam I have figured out fixes for some of the above, like the awkward wall collision and scalable UI, but don't want to add that in as it obviously wouldn't be in the spirit of the Jam haha! Thanks for the great feedback/rating and glad you enjoyed the game in the end!