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Hey all, looking forward to getting into this, awesome to meet fellow games developers and Dogefans!
I'm a games developer working on Unreal Engine Games for my day job but I'm going to try make this one in unity. 
Nice to meet you all, Alex I've bought a 3d printer recently, not tried it out yet, was planning on setting it up this weekend but I think my time will be taken up with the Jam! :D
Thanks for hosting Billy, Dogecoin is awesome! I am a small holder since last month but I will hodl to the moon for sure!

I really like the coin and the community behind it  :)
Good luck everyone


Haha yes the printer can wait, gamejam cant! 

Thats cool though, do you know what youre going to be printing to start with? Ive gotten a lot of enjoyment out of my 3D printer, its a great investment. 

Looking forward to seeing what you get up to with Unity Kittiedragon. Quite a bit different from Unreal.  

I would like to print a Trammel of Archimedes/ 'do nothing machine' first because it looks like it wold be satisfying :] also maybe some sphericons. Then work my way up to this
Yes Unity is quite different. I've used it before, bits and pieces on the side but no finished games.  Fingers crossed my Idea is not too ambitious and I have the time to finish it, I'm a little worried, I'm not to experienced with the coding side of things, I do mostly animation and a bit of visual scripting but I can make things move :D This will be a good learning opportunity anyway :)