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A member registered Oct 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Can the game have hazards in the environment, such as spiky walls to avoid?

Great Jam, really fun to be involved in, congrats to the winners!!

Thanks for the feedback :) <3

Awesome, thanks Alex! <3

I got the diamond hands but then jumped into oblivion somehow and fell forever! Other than that and getting stuck in the forest, interesting game. I would lock the camera to a limited angle, its a little difficult to control. Good work on the graphics!

Short but sweet, glad you had fun making, I had fun playing :)

Funny game, not sure what the aim is but interesting none the less :D
Would be good to have something to aim the coins into

Death by Lite lol

Fun game :]

Fun game, pooping bombs was very funny :D

I made an image to showcase some of the games I've played so far, we can use it to share and spread the word on social media/ forums etc :)
Might make some more when I play some of the other games this weekend, let's use this thread to share any images for promoting the Jam outside of this group! Doges together strong!

Thanks for the feedback :)

Fun game, interesting twist, dodging the ball instead of hitting it, I like!

Fun game, nice graphics,  would like to see more of the road to see what's coming but I like the backgrounds and the Doge.

Nice little game, I would turn off the ability to jump once you're dead and add some impact effects on the impact points. Jumping feels good!

Cute game! Reminds me of playing with my tamagotchi back in the day!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed :)

Thanks for playing! That's my favourite level too, need to add the same level of animations, pfx and sfx to the other levels, satisfying bursts and pings when collecting coins. More animation in the rocket. Will definitely be improving it for further releases. Thanks for the feedback <3

Thanks for playing! There's a bonus 4th level once you finish level 3 and make it to the moon ;)

(click on the moon and press space to play)

No problem! My pleasure :)

Nice story and cute little graphics,  good job!

Looking forward to seeing where this goes in the future :)

Thank you <3

Love the graphic style of yours, liked Barking at the monster/ statue thing to wake it up, really fun mechanic :)

Looking forward to playing more in the future!

Cute game, great art style, the text really works!
I got as far as here but got stuck:

Keep dying on the spikes not sure how to proceed!

Other than this, fun game to play! I will restart and try another route around :)

Good work!

Love the graphics and pfx, looks very polished! I didn't get very far (probably I'm just not very good at this and need more practice haha) IMO the controls feel a bit cumbersome, with A and D as rotation, I think it may feel better with them being left and right movement (at least that's what I kept trying to do with them :P). Also maybe having some sort of arrows indicating where enemies are when they are offscreen would be cool, so I know which side of the planet I need to be on. Anyway minor feedback, I am probably just not very good at this style of gameplay but it looks really good! Shooting the enemies feels awesome :)

Nice work, fun to play, loved the feeling of getting closer to the moon. Art looks great, cute Doge, very polished!

Cheers for the feedback!  <3

Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed! Totally agree about the lack of continuity, hoping to improve that in the future to bring the levels more in line with each other art, sfx and pfx wise but keeping there distinctive feel. I had planned for some sort of cutscene/ animation/ break ceremony between each level so the player has time to think and adjust to new controls/ layouts and linking the levels with more story, e.g. finding a cave with your ship, collecting fuel for it, take off sequence, moon landing. Alas, that was outside the scope of the week but will be looking to update it in the future :)
Many thanks for commenting! <3

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed, cheers for the feedback! <3

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Thank you very much! <3
Also thank you for hosting this Jam It was very fun to be involved in :)
To the moooooon we goooo!!

Fun game, cool backgrounds and effects, I like that the balance accumulates so you can upgrade things, encourages to keep playing and beat previous high scores!

Thank you for playing, and for the comment! <3
Glad you like! Level 2 is my favorite level too
After the jam I would like to improve the other levels to bring the animation up to the same quality, have the ship tilting when going from side to side and such and fix the SFX. A week is not enough time to polish everything but will definitely revisit. I would also like to include cut-scenes between the levels so there is more of  ceremony/ achievement

Fun game, much chaos, very hard!

Only managed 25 coins :D

Fun game, reminds me of keeping up a balloon in the air only harder!
Like the way the doge moves, very funny :)

Fun game, I like the death effect, very funny :D
I like how the arrows appear to warn you of where the next obstacles will be. Good job!
I didn't get very far (a grand total of 5) but maybe try again later.

Fun game! I like the buffs and helping the little Doges :)

How did you find it? There are a lot of moving parts in games dev, I'm still learning myself!

Very addictive, nice work!
I made it to the moon :D

Love it, very addictive and fun!

Looks great! Good job!