The art feels a bit dull in terms of color scheme. I’d recommend using a pre-made palette from a site like Lospec
There is a lot of pancake shading
The header font (for example the font used for the tutorial which says “MOVEMENT”) is quite hard to read. The letters themselves look fine but I really don’t like how the dark gray outline consists of two colors
The flare sprite is quite banded
Maybe it’s just me but I find is hard to read text using large font sizes (like the tutorial text)
The buttons look a bit blurry
I think an interactive tutorial would be better than the current text-based one
The title screen animation is cool but the sprites themselves look like they’re just standing still (no walking animation)
The player’s walking animation plays even if you don’t move (maybe it’s just a weird looking idle animation?)
The enemy movement feels too slide-y. It’s like their skiing on ice. Perhaps they need more friction with the ground?
I like the player hurt animation
An enemy health bar/indicator would be nice
Decent visual feedback. Maybe some camera shake could be added?
Enemy damage feels inconsistent (the first hit looks like it barely does anything)
Cool music
The weapon feels a bit unresponsive. I feel like it hangs in its downward position for too long after being swung
Quite challenging