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Very nice idea, fits the theme really good. Graphics can be improved a bit, mostly to remove outline from the player and enemies. It kind of breaks that flat-design look, because with walls that have no outline, other sprites that have outline really stood out to me like something that is just a placeholder. Sounds and music are really good, and I had a lot of fun playing it. Great job!


Hey, thanks for playing and for the feedback. The idea was to update all the other graphics to have a similar sort of outline to bring it all together, I think I was stuck between two art styles and couldn’t decide on a particular style. I’m a graphic designer in my day job and wish I could have spent more time working on the art, but there were so many quirks in the code that ended up taking a lot more of my can ‘unmerge’ in a tight space to break out of the boundaries of the level in certain places, I didn’t have time to fix that 🤫