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I like the integration of the theme. For the dash I would prefer it sent me in the direction I was moving/facing rather than be bound to opposite mouse buttons. I like the way the character animates while jumping, was unique. Motion blur made it a bit difficult to read what's happening. Congrats on getting something done for the jam :)

Thanks, feedback is important, and you gave me one :)

It's awesome that you like the integration of theme, i am glad to hear it because i was worried about that :)

Yeah, about dash, you are right. I mean.. I played lots ofgame with dash but while making game i didn't even think about that...

Yeah i like those animations too :)                               

 About motion blur well, everyone said that, so this is the biggest mistake of the game probably.. Thanks for commenting it, i will try to not make same mistake agan..

Thanks, and congrats to you too :)