Ayy, I was able to beat this one. There is some frustrating RNG at play here for sure, but not a bad game at all.
A lot of the time, the first batch of carrots takes so long to spawn and the bombs are so far away that you usually lose a life before you even have the ability to get bombs. Maybe starting off with a bomb would help alleviate that, but there's probably a more elegant solution.
The bomb mechanic is also pretty obtuse. You need the guy to be super close to the zombie, but not too close or you lose a life. It's also just a strange concept in general. Why does bringing carrots to a plot of land give me bombs? Why don't I or my zombie daughter get hurt by the bombs? If this zombie hunter wants to kill my daughter, why does he bump into her once and then leave to the other side of the map?
The concept of having a resource that needs to be used to win, but also to keep yourself alive is good. I also like the idea of having to keep check on your zombie daughter as you're waiting for resources to become available. I think this could have been more fun, however, with a smaller map and more frequent attacks. As of now, the primary gameplay loop is to keep moving back and forth between the carrot screen and the zombie screen, but if everything was on a single screen, it'd be more frantic to have to constantly juggle between planting carrots, trading for bombs, and defending your zombie.
Quite an enjoyable game overall. Great job and thanks for making it!