And the price for the best art goes to... *drumroll*
As a programmer, seeing art like that amazes me. Whoever did that, there's no doubt that you will make it far in life (if you haven't already of course haha).
The music / ambient fits perfectly and is very pleasant to listen to, even on multiple loops. This is the kind of music i'd listen to besides zelda compilations, if you ever make a 1 hour lofi remix of this, please message me your bank details ahaha
For the gameplay, the jump button is a bit buggy, sometimes it has a delay, sometimes it doesn't react at all... The "climb the tree" mechanic... It works, but making your character go up or just putting a climbing animation would've made it a lot better, this feels like it's a last second solution (also, spamming too fast makes your character fall down instead of going up).
The idea with the corpses was the first one I had when the theme was announced, although I thought that it would be a bit too simple, seeing someone that pulled it off is satisfying.
Sorry for the giant review ahaha great game guys! great game.