Hello, I am aware of that. Well, while I was thinking about name, I had considered many options, but most of them ended up in trash right after checking domain name availibility, even when checking for many non-com domains, some of them very expensive. As I wanted name including "FACT", not just as a reference to factory, which plays a key role in my game, but also as reference to manufacturing in general. While checking for other existing software, not limited to just games, but including proffessional manufacturing process management and visualisation applications, not many options were left on table. And there is many companies who include "fact" in their names... I guess, that Factorio creators had a same trouble and probably every whatever-creator online is facing this issue. Internet is a huge place and there will always be some friction.
So while taking existance of Factorio game in to consideration, I ended up with Factorico anyway, since it met most of my needs and online requirements (available domain, google results and so).
It is hard to say, if one letter/+10% difference in name is enough to distinguish two "things" from each other. From internet user's/gamer's point of view, I would say it is okay in 2017, since we probably type, copy&paste, link, tag and hashtag more than we speak about internet content, so I think this limits confusion and friction, but ofcourse, not completelly, which is not easily possible. If I forget about online world for a moment, I prefer Factorico to be seen more like "Factory Co". (And you guessed it, factory.co domain is in use ).
If I return to Factorico vs Factorio game similarity, the only thing that both games have in common is "fact" in name and a fact, that they both have something to do with manufacturing. It will be more and more obvious that Factorico is different kind of game as development will progress more.
Sure, someone could just think that I just want to parasite on other project, this is a rip-off and so on, as we can see with Xcraft or CraftY titles (now I wonder if Xcraft and CraftY actually exists). Nowadays, the "craft" word have became something, that many, not-only, block based world games have in common, but many of them are focusing on completely diffrent mechanics and feature sets. But if someone is still thinking that, lets just agree on fact, that it just shows success of Factorio. What can be more success proving than people being inspired by your work or copying it? (well, more success proving probably is that you had became rich in process).
I am sorry for a lenght of my reply, but I wanted to express my thoughts on this definitely good topic and show "behind the name" stuff, while answering some of possible questions, which may arise soon or later.
Thank you for your feedback. Have a great day.