Hello, as complete programming and Unity beginner, I had started working on this project like 2+ years ago. Since it was one man, free time & in-mood project, progress was kind of slow. However, in recent months, as I already have some (questionable) level of skill, I managed to invest more time and efford to make some big steps towards playable game. While end result is still far from being fun to play, lacking some basic features and contains many bugs, I had decided to bring this creation, hardly to be called "alpha", to daylight.
So today I'm proudly presenting you what I named Factorico, factory simulation game, where you take role of factory manager/owner to take care of everything that processing and manufacturing of goods requires. Hire workers, buy equipment, desing production lines, manage resource and cash flow and so on.

Factorico is inspired by old game called Free Enterprise, but should bring new ideas, more features and details.
As more features are present, things are getting more complicated to test and debug for me, so I'm looking for some passionate people, who are interested to try out game in this early stage of development in order to provide me with valuable feedback.
Platforms available for now:
- Windows x86
- Windows x86_64
Platforms potentionaly available:
- Linux - I dont have capacity to test linux builds at all. Ask for it.
- MacOs/OSX/iOS/That thing - I dont have stuff with apple logo on it. Ask for it.
Missing features, that I consider basic, but I did not bothered to include are:
- Save/Load support
- Removal of already placed objects
Know bugs:
- Forklift can get blocked by inactive workers
- Object placement does not check, if object can be actually accessed by workes/forklift, which can leed to bad situations. Please keep that in mind and leave atleast 1 meter for workers and 2 meters for forklift.
- Workers sometimes jumping/falling. Just visual glitch
Working so far:
- Placing few machines
- Producing few products
- Hiring workers
- Importing/Exporting resources/finished products
- Workers operate machines and distributing resources around factory
Instructions to play:
- try to figure it out
- http://factorico.wikia.com/wiki/Factorico_Wiki (still quite empty)
- or just ask
Typical production line setup is:
Depalletizer > Conveyor > Unboxing Station > PCB Solder Paste Printer> Conveyor > PCB Pick & Place > Conveyor > Reflow oven > Conveyor > Boxing Station> Palletizer
While input is Calculator PCB (Blank) and output is Calculator PCB (Complete)
You and also make 2 plasic kinds plastic items using Injection molding machine.
Feedback I'm looking for:
- Unexpected behaviour of implemented features
- Crashes
- Deadlocks
- UI problems - UI just sucks, I know, but it should work, somehow
- Performance problems
Feedback I'm NOT looking for:
- I want feature ABC
- I want feature XYZ
- Graphics sucks
- UI sucks
- It just sucks
- This post is long or sucks
Instalation instructions:
- Use Itch.io App for best results