This was an incredible game, well done! The gameplay reminds me of the game Frantic, if you ever played that, in that it's a fast paced top down shooter with bullets going everywhere and tons of action. The movement is good to control, if a little buggy at times, and the firing felt just right too, although, especially later in the game, it was a little underpowered compared to just throwing yourself into the enemies. The mechanic of using yourself and your lives as a weapon, though, was very well implemented and chaining up reactions and score was great fun. Of course, more gameplay would've been nice - things like more powerups, enemy types, and so on, but what's there is still great. It was some really solid gameplay, so great job there!
As for the graphics, they looked really nice. The pixel art look worked very well, and even though each enemy was just a recolour or size difference, it was still easy to tell them apart and see what they did, and the UI and score popups were clear as well. The background was good too - simple, but still visually distinct. It's a really great game overall, and it was a great experience playing it - phenomenal work!