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A member registered Aug 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Neat game! I like the juxtaposition between the programmer art and the intense, epic music. I also like how collecting treasure adds it to a static position on your body instead of just increasing your size, so the player can end up with a horribly awkward shape if they're not careful. The swinging doors were a bit annoying though, it was easy to get stuck between a bunch of doors swinging open once the player became too slow and heavy.

Neat game! I like how you can send a sword out and keep it in place as a sort of defensive barrier, though I wish it were easier to bring the sword back. Right now you have to place the sword on top of yourself and wait a bit to pick it up, so perhaps instead you could press the spacebar to automatically retrieve it? I like how the enemies can sever your connection to your sword, though, forcing you to enter the fray to get it back.

Cool game! I really like the amount of depth you can get out of this mechanic. I did get a bit confused when I tried entangling different colored blocks and they didn't move together. I think if only same color blocks can be moved together, then only same colored blocks should be able to be entangled at the same time.

Cute game! I think the camera joining together might work better if the camera only joined together when the two player characters are actually together at the end of the level, since at the end of the level, the characters won't need to separate and the camera won't awkwardly jump back and forth.

Very simple, figuring out the number that joins the pattern together. The clicking was a bit buggy though, when I clicked the right answer, my click would also register on the next screen where I'd also be clicking a wrong answer.

Nice game! The music made it feel nice and relaxing. I seemed to be able to unpause the game on the main menu by pressing ESC and was able to play without actually clicking Play. I'd try beating the game like this, but the compass doesn't appear when the main menu is up lol

Neat game! I like how the enemies are different heights, making big enemies take more damage proportional to your stack height. Might be cool if the smaller enemies dropped guns, so when the player is low on health, they would want to focus on the smaller enemies so they can restore their damage output against the bigger enemies.

Nice! I like how each character has a different ability and how they interact with each other on their own sides of the level. I kept getting a bit confused as to which bunny had reversed controls though, so perhaps you could add something to better show which one is reversed? Like having text that is forwards on one side, but then backwards on the side with reversed controls. Idk, just an idea.

Oh right, I guess I forgot that's how keys worked and I wasn't paying close enough attention. Well never mind that issue then!

The graphics and presentation here are really incredible! It felt kinda spooky how the game is all cheery and happy, but the tree is sprouting out of an endless void. o_o The game kinda bugged out for me though, I took a cat out of the hot air balloon, but then tried putting him back in and ended up placing him in the middle, where he just started spinning around inside the tree and I couldn't really do anything with him.

As many have metioned, getting to see the hair grow on the sprites would've been nice, but I'd especially like to see hair grow to Dragon Ball Z levels of height in the later levels. I gotta say, though, I really love the character design for these two.  Just a couple of roommates getting ready for a date, huh?

I like the idea of switching between two characters, since that forces the player to switch up their playstyle, though I think there should be more incentive to switch between the two characters. Right now there's like two meters, one being a timer for how long you can stay as Warrior and one for how long until you can switch back to Warrior. I think this could be just one meter that's treated as a resource meter, so you can switch back to Warrior at any time even if the meter isn't full, you just wouldn't be able to stay as Warrior for as long if the meter isn't full, so the player would be incentivized to switch back to Em so the meter can keep charging. Cool concept though, there's definitely room to flesh this idea out!

Cute! I kinda wish the big spifin was able to do a little more and that you were able to switch back to the big spifin to allow for more puzzles, like maybe having the little spifin hold a button to open a door for the big spifin to go through. The platforming also felt a bit overly precise, I think it'd be better to let up on the precision for a jam game. 

I like the idea here, but the path for the river wasn't made super clear at first. It looks like a lot of the brown pathways are isolated, but then the river is able to cross the yellow pathways the enemies take when you open the gates. I think the brown pathways for the river should be drawn over the enemies' pathway, that way I can more easily see what gates open up to which parts of the river.

(1 edit)

I really like the concept of switching between dimensions! It certainly adds a layer of depth to traditional block puzzles. Though, like many have already mentioned, the reversed controls are really annoying. The zooming transition between the two dimensions also felt a bit slow and nauseating, I think the transition should be sped up and be replaced with a fade effect. Also, it seems I can only carry one key at a time? When I was already carrying a key, I picked up another and then opened a door, only to find out that both my keys were consumed. Other than those things, I do like the concept here, some of the puzzles would only work with the added layer of dimension switching, so good job!

I really like the concept here and how all the animals move to the beat of the music! I was a bit confused at first since I didn't realize I had to move the van with the slider in the middle--I think the slider should've been mentioned in the instructions. Also, the music felt a bit repetitive, it'd be nice to have a much longer track, but I really like how the track has two layers controlled by the two records and how the frogs and penguins each move on their own unique beat!

I think the game view is too large for the window, the title was cut off and I could only see 2 of the 3 dialogue options. I like the idea of a dungeon crawler dating sim, though!

I really like this idea, but it felt a little weird how the sensor bar itself didn't actually move around when the detection zone was moving around. The sensor bar did tilt when the detection zone tilted, so I liked that, I just think the bar should also move when the detection zone moved as well. Other than that, I liked it!

I like the concept here, but the execution falls a little flat. It's fine that I can't place the platforms freely where I want, but it'd be much better if I can at least see some sort of shadow or outline showing me where I can place platforms.

The graphics are really amazing and the sound design is really good too! I like the concept of making a golf game without a hole to reach and instead having two balls that need to connect with each other. There was a point when I was playing when the balls got close to each other and tried magnetizing to each other, but then they just stopped and the game wouldn't continue until I pressed R to retry my shot. Also, it looks like the brown ledges don't have any collision? Other than that, I really enjoyed this!

The presentation for this game is really amazing! I like the tonal clash between the real world and the game world and how the MMO setting allows the themes from the real world to still be expressed in the  game world. The movement with the dashing felt a little unresponsive, but I do like how the dashing could be used to push the text boxes around and to bounce off the cloudy ones.

Very interesting idea! The title is also pretty funny. I think there were a couple times when I clicked an enemy to connect and pressed space to disconnect, but ended up connecting to a different enemy. I'm not sure what would cause that, but maybe allow the player to disconnect by right-clicking when using mouse controls?

This was a really neat puzzle game! I liked how all the simple mechanics are able to be combined to produce some really complex puzzles. Level 10 was a particularly well designed level!

I really liked the vaporwave aesthetic you got here! The controls felt intuitive, how the drones can be easily combined and dropped off. I also like how the rings light up when the drones are lined up with them, but I feel like more could be done to make it easier to line up visually. Maybe a like a laser coming out of the drones or an arrow around the ring pointing to where the drone is?

This was a neat game! It was a little hard to control, but I guess that's the point here, huh? I wonder if it would be easier to control by having one slime be controlled with the arrows keys and the other being controlled with WASD instead of having to switch between the two characters.

This game was frickin' adorable! I especially loved the background music. There was a moment in one of the levels where a bee could connect to a bee that was already connected to it, making it so that the bees would move really fast after pressing an arrow key and still keep moving after releasing. Maybe put in a condition that a bee can't connect to a bee that's already connected to it?

I like how clean the visuals look! I think the timer should be placed more in the center instead of being in the corner so it's easier to see. The timer could also be a circular meter of some kind or something else to match the rest of the visuals.

You need to put the box on the button to leave the room, but you also need one animal to stay in the room to push the box off the button so the door to the goal opens up.  Also remember you can keep the link taut by moving one animal into a wall and moving the other to swing around. Hope that helps!

And yeah, the music is still stuck in my head since submitting and won't leave lol

Oh geez, you really thought of everything to make getting a low score a daunting task. There's the auto-shooting, of course, but there's also the gold bars. I first thought I might be able to just sit in the corner at the top of the screen, but then I might accidentally grab those gold bars, and I don't want those! This was really cool to play!

Oooh, I like how you did the theme here, how you make progress by using ingredients you don't know in a failed drink in order to learn what they are. Very chill game!

i feel bad now ._.

I noticed that the main character still has self-reflective thoughts even if you decide not to shoot anyone, which feels a little weird. I do like the commentary this game makes about how what we're told to do isn't always what's morally right.

Well this was a pretty pog game! I really like the visuals, and the music is nice too. I like the idea of getting more ammo from dying, but on my first playthrough it felt a little unfair how I ran out of ammo with one heart left, even though I killed like a dozen enemies since my last death. Maybe the spawn rates for the hearts could be adjusted, there could be some sort of meter that gives you a heart when filled, or something else.

Also, who is this "downloading..." person and why do they have the top five spots on the leaderboard?

This game kinda reminds me of Jetpac by Rare. I like how the crates kinda stick to you so you can push them diagonally. I also think the player moves too fast and feels a bit slippery.

help i can't beat the game what button am i suppoesd to press to self destruct?

jk lol. This game has really nice visuals! I also love the music with Jonas going, "Wowie!" in the background.

I feel like the map is way too big, making it really difficult to find the salt. I think it'd be a good idea to either make the map smaller or add an arrow indicator that points the player to where the salt is located. Aside from that, I like the gameplay of having to avoid fruit while constantly moving, it definitely gives a different feeling from normal Snake.

I'm really bad at this lol. Cute game! I think it'd be cool if there were parts of the song with like different colored arrows that allow you to attack back and you have to press in the actual direction ofthose arrows, rather than the opposite.

This game is frickin' adorable. I love how when you complete a level without collecting any fish, you play Jonas' "WOWIE!" sound bite.

Dang, this was really entertaining! I feel like the strategy genre makes the best candidates for games that are difficult to purposefully fail, especially when attacking is compulsory.