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Love the graphics and pfx, looks very polished! I didn't get very far (probably I'm just not very good at this and need more practice haha) IMO the controls feel a bit cumbersome, with A and D as rotation, I think it may feel better with them being left and right movement (at least that's what I kept trying to do with them :P). Also maybe having some sort of arrows indicating where enemies are when they are offscreen would be cool, so I know which side of the planet I need to be on. Anyway minor feedback, I am probably just not very good at this style of gameplay but it looks really good! Shooting the enemies feels awesome :)


Thanks!  I spent a buttload of time creating all the particles, I made so many I was worried the game would even run at a decent FPS lol.  And yeah you're definitely right, it's a bit of a hard game to get good at.  I tried to ease the difficulty of mastering the movement but it was definitely a challenge in itself.  

Thanks a ton for the in-depth review and thanks for playing, it helps a lot!


No problem! My pleasure :)