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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much :o! I’ll make sure to check out your game too!

So glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to check out your game too later

Ah of course of course!  So the first step I learned on my path of 2D lighting was unity's URP.  Primary the Bloom effect.  Heres where I first learned how to use it : 

Alot of that video has to do with Shader Graph, but it also involves setting up URP and bloom.    Getting comfortable with URP's effects is a game-changer, so if you haven't already I'd recommending playing around with it a lot.  The second and last video I watched on the topic of 2D lighting taught me everything else I used for this game 

It took some trial and most definitely alot of error to get some of the looks I wanted but it was well worth the time and energy.  If you ever get stuck on anything or want some advice or want feedback you can email me at and I'll try to help out as much as I can!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, thanks so much man!  I've been looking for that effect forever lol

Ah yeah, I'm talking about the post processing

Incredibly well made for a week honestly.  And Congrats on winning the jam! Super big question though, some parts of your game have this URP "filter" added onto it right?  It makes the outlines of your objects pop with a blue/red/green color and I was wondering if you'd be willing to tell me how that's done? Cause I've been looking through the Unity's URP's list of Overrides and I cant seem to find anything that can replicate it lol

Thanks for the feedback!  And yeah I do agree.   The deadline came running at me like a bull lol, so I had to leave some stuff out that I had planned to include.  Next time I'll definitely have to prioritize my to-do list better.  

Thanks for playing!

Yeah I definitely ran out of time so I couldn't really flesh it out as much as I wish I did, barely was able to submit this version in time.   But yeah if I ever update it ill definitely try to add some of the stuff you recommended.  Thanks a ton for playing!

Pretty cool, I think an improvement could be made by adding some visual feedback.  Maybe when the player gets hit by an arrow he should flash red or something? 

Thanks for the feedback!  And yeah you're definitely right there's not a whole lot of variety.    Variation in gameplay is something I think is crucial in any game, so I had a wider and bigger original idea for the game but I just couldn't make it a reality in time unfortunately.   Thanks for playing!

Yeah I think those elements can really add a lot to even a simple game, I try my best not to go overboard with it lol.  

Thanks for playing!

Oh wow glad you like it lol.  And thanks a ton for the heads up, I really didn't think about that but it's definitely an issue I should've worked out.   Hopefully its not an issue for others playing.  Thanks for the feedback!

That'd be incredible haha, but seriously though thanks.  It was a really rough week making the game but I'm super glad it turned out satisfactory, thanks a ton for playing!

Ah thanks! Glad you liked it

Try to complete certain functions at once, don't skip around.  For example, if you're working on your character's walking system, finish the whole system as much as you can before moving onto something else.  Otherwise, you'll have a bunch of half-complete systems in your game, and no one wants that!  This is just something that's worked really well for me in my past 2 game jams.

Best of luck!

Oh wow no way!  Insanely exciting that I actually made one of your favorites, never thought anyone would be able to like my work until a long time.  Thanks a ton man!

Yeah I definitely shouldve considered adding that.  Whenever I update the game I'll make sure that's the first thing I work on though.  Thanks for playing!

Ah thanks, I put alot of time into look of the game so I'm glad it paid off!

Just one rating away from 20 lol.  Heres my game! -

I'll make sure to check out yours too!

Ah thanks so much! Really means a lot that you put it in your reference list, that's so cool!  And yeah you're definitely right about your critiques.  I wanted to add sound, but I had only like 2 hours left before the deadline and I was EXHAUSTED lol, so I decided to leave it out.  I also thought about adding some sort of indicator so that Doge would tell you where enemies were coming from, but I could settle on an idea on how to implement it, but I think you're right that it may have added some extra intensity to the game, so that's good.  

Now, for the fun part!  The coloring of the game was achieved with two things: 2d Lighting, and Post Processing.  The space background for example is covered in dozens of different 2D lights (freeform lights to be specific) to give it a warm colorful feel like in No Mans Sky or something.  I also used lights for Doge to make her stand out more.    I learned how to do 2d Lighting from youtube tutorials and simple trial and error  (I can give you a bunch more info about where I learned it if you want).  If you do it right in my opinion, you can make most 2d games look absolutely beautiful with just lights alone, post-processing just adds that extra touch of prettiness to it.   I added the post-processing with Unity's URP package: Brackeys has a few videos on it, which is where I learned it from.  Unlike the 2d lighting, the URP can be used with both 2D and 3D, its such a wonderful asset that I very well may never make another game without it, seriously its amazing.  Some of this may sound complicated, but after you play around with it for a bit, you'll grow comfortable with it and the graphics of your game will see a huge upturn in quality.

  If you have anymore more questions just lemme know!!

Really like the old-school theme.  But It was kinda difficult to figure out what was going on, I think a tutorial could've been beneficial to help out just so players are sure what they're supposed to be doing.  But I know personally how long it can take to add those in just a week lol.  Good job on the submission!

At first I was pretty confused at the fact you can't really see the cars before they cross the road.  But it made it pretty exciting honestly.  Good job man!

I had a pretty big issue with the camera, it was really hard to control properly and would commonly get stuck to the ground and have other issues.  Camera movement is really hard to master though, but hopefully you'll be able to work it out as you develop it.  Good job nonetheless on the submission tho.  This has some real potential!

Really cool man, I agree with omzeeeee below me, I really did get an early 2000 game vibe from this, which can be somewhat difficult to recreate honestly.  The only critiques I have is that I think the camera controls are a little difficult, it can be hard to move with WASD and rotate the camera where you need to at once.  (I dont know if its purposely like that to resemble old school games or not) It was easier with the arrow keys, but perhaps switching camera movement to the mouse would be an improvement?  Either way, congrats on the submission man, glad to see so many people taking part in it while putting in so much effort

Really cool man, Doge lore is truly unbeatable lol.  The only thing I would change would be to add some more variation to the storyline so players could have greater control on where the story goes, otherwise it feels more like a PowerPoint presentation than an actual playable experience.   Nonetheless! Good job, I know text-based games take quite a bit of time to make and plan out, but you managed to get it done in 7 days so congrats!  good work

Thanks man, you too!

Ah, thanks for the feedback!  I'm thinking about continuing its development and attempting to put it on the Google Play Store,  I'll definitely give it some more thought.   Thanks!

Thanks! I think particles can add so much to a game, glad I was able to make some that looked cool

Thanks!  Put alot of time into the look of the game lol, glad it paid out

Ah thanks for the positive feedback, and thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback!

Ah, thanks for playing.  Ill make sure to check out yours as well

Thanks!  Did my best to make the graphics pop out

Thanks!  I spent a buttload of time creating all the particles, I made so many I was worried the game would even run at a decent FPS lol.  And yeah you're definitely right, it's a bit of a hard game to get good at.  I tried to ease the difficulty of mastering the movement but it was definitely a challenge in itself.  

Thanks a ton for the in-depth review and thanks for playing, it helps a lot!

Good job on the submission! 

Funniest submission I've seen so far, good job man!