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Admin (1 edit)

I removed your limit try again. If 250mb needs to be downloaded up front to play the game then I strongly recommend making it into a downloadable game. It's a poor user experience loading a large game into the browser. Likewise, downloading 1000 files to play a game isn't great. If the content is loaded as the player progresses then it's less of an issue.

Thanks mate, I offer a download version too, but it's for android and PC only, Most of HTML5 player come from MAC.

In the future I plan to support Mac nativity, but until then most of my Patrons like the online version, Pretty sure I'm one of the only people on this line of games that support mac/html5 

I'm still getting this error:  "There was a problem loading your game: Too many files in zip (1189 > 500)"

Should I delete the project and start a new one?


No need to delete the project. Are you uploading from the same account as the one you're posting with here?

Yeap, same account, and still getting the same error msg when I try to preview the game.

I will delete this project and start a new one, and will come back to you

Thanks mate, it's working!!

Hi leafo, 

I'm in the same situation as GDS—my game is quite small (83.6MB unzipped), but because the text files are individual .pngs (due to foreign language diacritics), I cannot reduce the file number below 500. I am currently getting the error message "Too many files in zip (805 > 500)". 

Is there any way I can have my limit removed, since my game is so small? I have done my best to remove extra files, but I still have 273 essential image files.

(I apologize if this is the wrong place to post)


I removed the limit on your account.

For future readers, I'm also considering bumping the default limit up to 1000 files

Thanks a ton—it's working great now!

Hey leafo,

I have the same problem. My game is <20mb but has ~700 files.
Please increase or remove my file limit. :)
Thank you

Hi Leafo,

I have a game that is only 60MB and has a little over 500 files. Is there any way I can have my limit removed?

Thank you

Hey leafo,

I have the same problem. My game is way smaller than 1Gb but has ~1000 files due to lots of images.
Please can you increase or remove my file limit. :)
Thank you!

Dear leafo, facing the same issue, 784 > 500.  I worked on the game to specifically provide a good user experience as a browser game by downloading content incrementally, and there's only 84mb. Can you help me please?