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Ahh this is such a good entry! 

From the graphics to the gameplay, very smooth stuff. I really liked the overall graphics, all the particles and lighting effects are great. I really wonder how you did that overall candy-colouring of the game though? Is that some kind of colour overlay? Really adds a lot to the visuals, I wouldnt mind knowing how its done. Ive added this game to my gamejam references list :D

The only thing I felt was lacking was sfx, which Im guessing you ran out of time for. And some kind of radar or indicator of where enemies are would have been handy, maybe some kind of red blur on the edges of the screen to fit in with the visuals and give you a vague indication of enemy positions. But perhaps without it, it makes it intentionally stressful ;)

Ah thanks so much! Really means a lot that you put it in your reference list, that's so cool!  And yeah you're definitely right about your critiques.  I wanted to add sound, but I had only like 2 hours left before the deadline and I was EXHAUSTED lol, so I decided to leave it out.  I also thought about adding some sort of indicator so that Doge would tell you where enemies were coming from, but I could settle on an idea on how to implement it, but I think you're right that it may have added some extra intensity to the game, so that's good.  

Now, for the fun part!  The coloring of the game was achieved with two things: 2d Lighting, and Post Processing.  The space background for example is covered in dozens of different 2D lights (freeform lights to be specific) to give it a warm colorful feel like in No Mans Sky or something.  I also used lights for Doge to make her stand out more.    I learned how to do 2d Lighting from youtube tutorials and simple trial and error  (I can give you a bunch more info about where I learned it if you want).  If you do it right in my opinion, you can make most 2d games look absolutely beautiful with just lights alone, post-processing just adds that extra touch of prettiness to it.   I added the post-processing with Unity's URP package: Brackeys has a few videos on it, which is where I learned it from.  Unlike the 2d lighting, the URP can be used with both 2D and 3D, its such a wonderful asset that I very well may never make another game without it, seriously its amazing.  Some of this may sound complicated, but after you play around with it for a bit, you'll grow comfortable with it and the graphics of your game will see a huge upturn in quality.

  If you have anymore more questions just lemme know!!

Hey Kranberry Games :) Im defs interested in more info on what youtube tutorials you went through for 2d lighting, Im working on some lighting for a game currently and this kind of style would be perfect, so any recommendations would be great! 

Ah of course of course!  So the first step I learned on my path of 2D lighting was unity's URP.  Primary the Bloom effect.  Heres where I first learned how to use it : 

Alot of that video has to do with Shader Graph, but it also involves setting up URP and bloom.    Getting comfortable with URP's effects is a game-changer, so if you haven't already I'd recommending playing around with it a lot.  The second and last video I watched on the topic of 2D lighting taught me everything else I used for this game 

It took some trial and most definitely alot of error to get some of the looks I wanted but it was well worth the time and energy.  If you ever get stuck on anything or want some advice or want feedback you can email me at and I'll try to help out as much as I can!