Also a huge part of getting more rates is advertising as much as you can on the first days. This is when the most people are actively playing the games, so if you get your game to the top of the "most rated category" or "Popular", more people will end up seeing it. Also focusing more on GIVING feedback rather than asking for it will make the other creators more likely to want to help you as well (as you said).
I ended up doing most of those things, but didn't do some such as the GIF and whatnot. I have one less rating than you so congrats on 110, very impressive! Even though my game is very buggy (and now I know the bugs thanks to all the feedback), it goes to show that your game doesn't have to be as polished/finished as A song of Fire And Water , but if you play your cards right, you can get as much feedback as you need.
anyway, here's mine!
you should look in the Help menu before starting, and there are Hints and spoilers in the description if you get stuck :)
*note the lack of a GIF lol