Hello and thanks for replying
When I launch the game, the hidden folder is indeed created, but no config file is created
The screen always goes dark with sounds still playing and I can hear the confirmation sound if I keep hitting enter
I'm also on Ubuntu 20.04 (I believe it's the normal one, not the LTS), and I only have one screen (laptop setup)
And the native screen resolution is 1366x768
Also, I tried the game again in a virtual machine also running Ubuntu 20.04, but the results were the same. In the virtual machine, I also tried updating sdl2 through the command given in the wiki (sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0), but the log said I was already in the most recent version
Btw, the game runs fine on Android and I haven't tested in Windows 10. Would it be possible to find and use such a config.ini file from one of these 2 versions in the Linux version to see if anything changes?