You're absolutely right. Some people think that just uploading the game would do the magic. There's a lot of social aspect in the jam too.
I've spend the last 13 days playing and giving as much feedback as I could to the games I've played.
Yesterday I dedicate just to play games under 20 rating from a community post... only 2 of those devs (from 9 games rated and reviewed) reply on their comments. That helps too. If people takes the time to write you a review, giving just a like won't help other people to play your game. At least a "thanks for your feedback" would be nice. 1 of those games I mention... the dev didn't reply one single feedback comment.
Anyway, still one of the best and more entertaining experience in the game dev world. I've played some amazing titles, and even follow some users for keeping track of their work.
If anyone interesting in checking my game, here's the link.