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A member registered Jul 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun, cute and challenging. Great game!

Absolutely! So many fond memories.

There's a new 40 anniversary version on Steam, released 2 or 3 days ago.

Funny game. Reach day 3.

Ironically, I couldn't use the mouse to play it... 🤣

This is fun! I've reached level 5!

Very fun game! I managed to rescue the cat and do the nasty stuff with the bad guys LOL!

Great work!

Interesting concept. I like it!

Managed to survive almost till the 2nd night, but forgot I had a wife to heal :(

Great work!

Hola. Muy buena la idea! Quise probarlo, pero al llegar al puzzle de los loros, recibí este error (Web corriendo en Firefox).

Espero les sirva para poder detectar el problema.

Amazing work! I had fun killing the monsters inside my head!

I had to mention that level 5 was extremely easy. It would be more fun to increase the difficult on each level, or add new scenes. But of course I understand the time limit of the gamejams could be an impediment of this ideas.

I played the whole game without any bug or issue. 


Hi shadree. Glad you've enjoyed the game!

The "hidden" checkpoint was a last minute idea. I was gonna stick to the visual checkpoints only, but after watching some play testing with my kids, I realized there were some "advantages" in certain points of the game, and loosing was the easiest way to avoid playing through certain difficult parts, like caves you enter to flip a switch and then exit. I'll consider showing them instead of keeping them hidden.

About the level select, I struggle with myself NOT to put that, even when common sense told me to do it. I was eager to release the game after several months of working, so I stick to the autosave/load system originally implemented. After reading your comment, I think I'll revamp the Load Game system into the Select Level system, and maybe put a "Reset progress" button somewhere.

Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback!

Thank you! Glad you like it!

Yes, that was part of the original plan. I've been working on the buy/upgrade system, but also has to update the way you harvest the zombies. The better the grave is, the stronger the zombie (like a super zombie, skeletons, berserker, etc).

Not sure if I'll have the time to do so. I'm already working on two commercial games, so this is kind of a side project. The ideas of course keep coming to my mind and yours are welcome too.

I've just played it (too bad we're out of voting time)

You did a very interesting moving mechanic here. At first it was hard to understand what was happening, but managed to complete several levels. Had to quit to do some other task here at home, but will give it a try again later.

Great job!

Great idea! I've though of hiring someone, but the digging zombie minion is definitely a must!

Ohh, sorry to hear that. What browser (and version) did you used? Did you tried the windows build? Just for gaining some knowledge about the issues, cause the jam is already over.

Ohh I'm so sorry to hear about it. Yes, i found that stuck bug after building and couldn't fix it in time.
I'm working on an improved version and will upload as soon as it's ready.

Thank you for playing :)

Dude, you read my mind. I was exactly thinking on a defense system for the graveyard for a non-near-future update.

The day/night was intended to split the game in two different sections, which I couldn't implement as fast as the visuals, and had to leave it for the update (which is still without the day/night feature lol). The original idea was to let the player only bury bodies during day, and only summon zombies during night. But when I say the overwhelming quantity of dead bodies each "morning", I decided to let it be for the jam, as it was kind of fun looking the corpses get pilled.

The player getting stuck was found after the build was uploaded and couldn't fix it in time. Luckily I've been working on several improvements on this last week, trying to keep the original idea but improving several things, like the buy lot system and the zombie management.

Thank you so much for playing!

Agreed :)

(1 edit)

What a beautiful game! Love the Luigi's Mansion's vibe!

I had to retry several times until I mastered the movement between objects without activating them. But I enjoyed every single play through.

As a solo dev on GameJams, it's hard to compete against the quality of this kind of games. But I always enjoy finding them. I'm sure you guys will continue with this idea after the jam and wish you luck!

Amazing work! Congratulations!

Nice idea! I got stuck on level 3, thinking it was a bug. I was about to quit when I realize of the orangy borders that mark the path where you can and can't go (my only complain about the game, a little hard to see at first)

After that... I really enjoy all the rest of the game. Very challenging! Took me a while but managed to complete it.

Love the graphics too!

One suggestion would be a little fast forward for the more larger levels. After the 10th retry, it gets boring watching the knight advance all tiles again, and again, and again...

Another suggestion would be the change of camera, using the keyboard numbers. That would improve the gameplay considerably I think.

Amazing work! Congratulations!

I'm exactly working on it right now LOL

Thank you for playing!

Took me several tries, but managed to complete it. Kind of walking blindly on some screens.

Nice work!

It's kind of short... but, for a 48hs jam it pretty descent (I've played shorter games on one-week-Brackey's GameJams).
Of course if you have more time, you can expand the current level or even add more levels. But for a Jam it's just fine.

If the player has previous experience on platforms, probably yes, it is. If the player is not an expert, it would take more time, maybe double. They may fall  on some big jumps and had to retry some parts 1 or 2 times. That's my guess

First in general. First time playing (I'm 43 and been playing since 6yo platform games)
The game is challenging and it's well designed. I love the wall jump and the flying mechanics.

It was my first attempt. Only fall once in one of the last platforms, but managed to fly to the left and catch up from a few screens back.

Nice work! Didn't expect to see scratch on a Jam. My kids made some really tiny project on school with scratch. I'll tell them to keep practicing after playing this!

Great level design. Some jumps have really tight window of oportunity, but never unfair.


Will keep trying later!

Great game! Just perfect! Addictive, fun, and easy to play, hard to master.

Graphics are perfect for the idea.

Great SFX and music too. Love the Wilhem scream!

Awesome work! Congrats!

Such a clever use of the theme. Magnificent!

This game makes me think how stupid some RPGs missions are. Love you joked about it! Great story too.

Awesome work!

Damn! That pacman is really smart and fast! I only managed to catch him once

Great work!

LOL. That's the magic of the jams! Same concept can be used in very twisted ways haha.

Thank you for playing!

Ohhh, I hate that ball in Terraria! That last level was hell, but managed to complete it (after... don't know... 50 retries LOL )

Good concept, but kind of wasted I think. There were few living things to crush, which would had been funnier.

The controls are simple, but pretty hard to master, specially on the floating platforms. The ball has too much acceleration, so it makes it really hard when landing on small platforms and trying to stop the intertia of the ball giving just a small tap to the A key. Most of the times I use that technique on platforms games, but on this one when using it, I ended up falling off the platform.

Even with all this small issues, the game is still entertaining. Great presentation.

Great work!

Thank you! Yeah, I run out of time to add a "skip night" button, but definitely will add it to the update!

Great voice acting! It's been an honor to fix the scenery for you, my Sire!

I would love to be able to complete it, but I got stuck at lvl7. I retried on every possible angle (trying to avoid the "Retry" bug already reported, by quitting with only one arrow left), but couldn't manage to pass through the big green blob. The yellow box with arrow doesn't seems to have the same effect as on the previous levels, so the arrow keeps bouncing against the green blob every time I shoot.

Anyway, I had a great time serving my king! Great work for a 2 days Jam! Congratulations!

Thank you!

Very entertaining game! I hate that frog! Retried soooo many times. Managed to reach more than 1km!

The graphics are really cute. Loved the mix between frogger and jurassic park you did.

Controls (up and down) are a bit clumsy sometimes . Specially when you're under pressure with the big frog at your tail. On the other hand, if they don't react fast, you won't be able to avoid the crossing animals. It's hard to find balance when time runs out and you need to finish the game.

But anyway, great work!

Yes, I want to invade all towns every time I was testing too!
Too bad the bodies got stucked. I ran out of time to improve that part of the game.

Thank you for playing!