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Thanks for playing PHI!!

Next Demo Day I will have user input control, basic resolution options, camera adjustment options for testers, and I'll make the level(s) more camera-friendly.

The Ledge Hanging into Climb Zone state is absolutely necessary. 

While in a ledge drop, pressing the key to let go can feel weird when your brain is wired to "press key to climb" so I will look into streamlining a climb based on user input over time against a climbable object. The "press key to let go" during a ledge drop will probably stay though, since it is also that way in a climb zone. 

I'm not actually using physics. I am tweening movement variables fed to a controller during runtime depending on the state. I am honestly a beginner so I don't know any better, but this is the most comfortable way to progress my locomotion. It will need lots of tweaking to feel like a physics system though. 

The "escape to get out of quit menu" is super helpful too. I will have a more involved pause/quit menu in the future. 

Your input was really helpful to me. I am super motivated and I hope you will play again next Demo Day! 

I'm not actually using physics. I am tweening movement variables fed to a controller during runtime depending on the state.

This honestly sounds harder to me but you should talk with someone more experienced with this technical stuff than myself.