Hey hey! Thanks for checking out the game :3 Yeah, unfortunately, there's a rather long load time after selecting a voice for ELLA >.< There's no loading screen, so it just looks like the game has frozen. Basically, the introduction part of the game is in one short script, and then the entire rest of the game is loaded upon the player picking a voice. If you just give it maybe 30 seconds (I guess it might depend on your system specs, for me, it's between 10-15 secs it takes to load) and then you should be able to advance either by clicking, or it should just automatically start playing the next voice line.
I actually meant to include that info on the main page because it was quite apparent during testing that there's such a long load time there, but I forgot to mention it >.< so cheers for the reminder there! I shall add the info to the page later. Hopefully, if you wait long enough, it should proceed for you :3 Please let me know if it doesn't work for you still though and I'll look into it when I get a chance. Thanks again for playing + have a lovely weekend!