Suggestions for the game:
1. At least one male and one female for each inflation mechanic, so people aren't forced to inflate dudes if they don't like dudes, or girls if they don't like girls.
2. More everything, I guess, though that's not really a suggestion. More levels, more characters, yadda yadda, heh.
3. Maybe one (1) exclusive inflation mechanic per gender? Like there'd be female-exclusive lactation, and the male-exclusive, uh, maybe cum production? Muscle growth? They'd tie into my first suggestion and be the only exceptions.
4. Add in popular custom characters? If someone makes a character that people like, you'd add them to the game's stock files for everyone to use (of course with permission.)
5. Maybe an unbirth / safe vore mechanic? Like one character has to go into the other temporarily to fool a security camera, or to hide a red-furred character from a red-seeking missile? IDK.
Suggestion for the forum:
I guess it could use a thread for custom characters, if the game's still getting enough views and you're still planning on updating the game at all in the first place.