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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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The ZIP file says v0.5, but the game itself says v0.4.

Bug reports that aren't just more complaints about clipping:

  1. Most/all of the exercises break your character's spine or their arms, mostly their spine. It's as if the jiggle physics let the spine dislocate entirely when the character moves.
  2. I had a bug once when trying to remove all bodily weight by just tapping 999999999 on my keyboard, it set her weight to like 994820859430925e-75 or something.
  3. Feels like you missed a decimal when coding weight loss via exercise, it really doesn't do much of anything unless you're maxed out on the weight loss badges, and even then you barely lose anything and it's better just to pay at the doctor.

Last game-related post overall was a Patreon post on the 4th. Last post here on Itch was 9 days ago.

A week isn't enough to panic, though it sucks the "how do you feel about the game" poll is paywalled, especially this early into development.

Game's got that annoying problem a lot of fast lewd games have where you're so busy looking at the meters and gameplay mechanics that you can't even look at the lewd content at all. We're too busy looking at the right and bottom of the screen to watch the girls actually expanding, which really sucks all the fun out of the game.

Dunno, but it sucks when devs paywall this much stuff this early into development. The demo is just doing the same scene 99999999 times with one girl to grind money so you can do the same scene 99999999 more times with the same girl but bigger, which isn't really fun at all, especially since the gameplay prevents you from actually watching her grow, and the gallery is paywalled too.

Devs really gotta wait a bit more before paywalling things, at least it's not like some games where they paywall bugfix updates and there can be entire weeks of time where the free version is literally unplayable due to a bug.

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(EDIT: At least I think it's both. The latter for sure, but I get a pretty strong vibe it's both. If I was crazier, I'd click and reroll the game again and again to see if it's possible to have the first click be a mine. At the very least I know it doesn't give you a zero on the first click like a good chunk of Minesweeper games do, one of the maps that generated for me, I had to make like 7 blind first-clicks before I finally clicked a zero.)

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Is there a different reward for getting no mine clicks? I got slapped by RNGesus twice with blind-faith mines and I don't want to replay the whole thing and hope for 0 mines just to check.

Gotta be that guy, but I'm a speedreader and the fixed text speed hurts, pls add a text speed setting, or some way to click to finish displaying whatever line it's on.

If taking ideas, it might be worth implementing the "good vs evil" + happiness mechanics the original game had, but make it more like "motherly wife that loves you, vs abused monster breeder" or something like that.

Like, all the "motherly" tools would be things like kisses, handholding, an impregnation tool, hand-milking, gentle tickling, maybe clothing and accessories, and rubbing (cocoa butter?). Any tools that advance her pregnancy/milk are slow and gentle.

All the "abusive" tools would be things like tentacles, milking cups, ovipositors, grabbing (+throwing) her, restraints, various pumps to overpressurize her womb (cum pipe?), whips, various hormone injections, or sending a monster after her like a minotaur or something (though this might be dumb because it'd need actual animations). Any tools that advance her pregnancy/milk are fast and painful.

Pls pls pls update this after the Jam, both because it's a cool idea , but also because Interactive Buddy never got any decent clones or spinoffs and the only thing it got was that DLC-heavy thing on phones.

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  1. No audio at all, though I don't know if that means it's broken or just not implemented.
  2. The hitbox for the "line in the box" timing minigame is off, the hitbox is smaller than the box itself, which sucks and I've missed attacks quite a few times because of it, which only makes my point in #3 worse.
  3. Oh my god, why are the ranges for everything so wide?? I just rolled four 1s in a row for damage and the enemy just fully healed on their turn and that whole battle was at least twice as long as it should've been. Pls, pls save the wide damage ranges for risky special moves, not for basic attacks.
  4. As the game progresses, precise timing becomes a bit TOO necessary. Feels like the speed the little indicator goes gets a bit too quick, which stinks because I've got a wireless mouse. If it's gonna be this quick, the game might need a calibration screen.
  5. Admittedly the game's not really fun at all, the art's nice though. It's hard to explain, but I think the main problem is a lack of freedom. Feels like it could benefit from a completely different mechanic for how the next fight gets picked rather than "numbers go up", like choosing what "folder" you'll scan next, ranging from an easy fight like a document folder for taxes or an image folder, to hard choices like a folder full of pirated games or a porn folder, which are loaded with viruses.
  6. Needs some way to undo purchases in the shop, because losing money on an attack you don't like sucks bad.

Yep, joining the others here, the income-related upgrades are OP as hell, definitely needs to have costs scale upward as you buy more of them, AND outpace whatever income they give so you don't get exponential growth. 
Just going off the passive upgrade, you can start getting infinite money about halfway through the second pregnancy, which is kinda bananas.

As for other comments about it so far:

  1. I like it overall, kinda feels like a really condensed version of an old Flash game I used to play a lot.
  2. Needs more things to do so we're not sitting here clicking Rest again and again and again and again, especially on the first pregnancy, where literally-literally all you can do is click Rest 21 times and that's it. Maybe the first pregnancy can start and progress a little in the intro cutscene, so the first round is only like 10 days, rather than the full 21?
  3. Maybe needs other upgrades? You'd have a couple other stats, like skin elasticity and milk production, there would be shots for these. Skin elasticity allows her to handle larger pregnancies as kind of a cap in size. For milk production, depending on how much milk you make, if you make enough for the babies, everything's fine, but not making enough gets you a percent decrease in profit from the pregnancy (not a huge decrease though.)

NGL, I'm such a huge fan of the game called NSFW Solitaire that I just have to risk offending and mention that NSFW Solitaire on Steam exists (for free), it even has built-in support for custom cards and backgrounds and such, and it was so easy that I actually made my own card pack using Dall-e 3 for giggles in like an hour. I'm actually upset that the best Solitaire game collection I've ever played has NSFW in the name and I can't play it during the day on my actual Steam account, and would gladly pay a few bucks if they had a zero-effort, exact copy just with the game renamed and with no NSFW content.

That said, NSFW Solitaire really IS just "all Solitaire card game formats, but with lewd (mostly vanilla) pictures, a bunch of weird porn-themed games to pick from, and a dumb puzzle minigame that nobody really likes to unlock basic-ass AI sex pics" so it's probably possible to do a bit more with the idea and carve out a different niche. Having your game let you unlock more art in a gallery for a specific character is alright, but it's gotta be special enough to make people want to play it. Card games in general (outside of gambling, like Blackjack + Poker) are already a pretty hard sell these days, I think only us old-timers even know what Solitaire is, haha.

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Maybe bug report? Most sounds are missing in the gd games build, I think the only sounds that work are the self-damage "oof", the plink sound from picking up powder, the pause sound, and like one other sound I forgot.

Should be posting changelogs to the dev log here, I didn't know this game was still getting updates until I re-found this by accident, then I didn't know you posted a changelog until I scrolled down to the comments section to ask if there was a changelog.

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Comments on the game (demo, in-browser. Might add more if I play more.) :

1. There's an odd delay with the bar at the bottom of the screen, if you hit the spacebar, there's something like a 0.25 to 0.5 second delay before it registers. Might be an in-browser Itch thing though.

2. Since there's no loading screen, the game repeats the audio rapidly, giving me a headache while it loads.

3. I wish "START EXPERIMENT" could be hit by pressing space.

4. The game's income is WAY too low for a game with such simple gameplay, sitting here doing run after run just to buy one upgrade is a pain. The average player probably has to do 4-6 runs just to buy their first upgrade.

5. With how long it takes to buy your first upgrade, it's a pain that it doesn't tell us what the two upgrades do. I mean, my assumption is that "tube" makes the left meter fill faster and that "juice control" makes the right meters fill slower, but that's just a guess, the game doesn't say.

6. Why's the game $20? That's an ungodly huge amount for a game this early in development, especially since it sounds like the only things paywalled right now are the other characters, who I assume play the same way as the first girl. TBH the game should be cheaper until it's more developed

7. Dunno if the shop upgrades fix this or not, but the game's got that issue where the gameplay is quick enough that the player isn't really allowed to look at the lewd parts, we're too busy looking at the right and bottom of the screen to have a chance to watch the girl filling.
7a. Suggestion: keep minigame as-is, but have the filling process be more of a "cash out" system. You do the minigame (in-lore, you're processing and creating the "juice" as the girl gets increasingly nervous(/horny?) watching the tanks fill.) There's a slight multiplier to juice production as the game goes on, so the player is rewarded for going longer and doing better. The game ends if the player chickens out and ends the round, or lets the right meters max out. If the player quits before it maxes out, they then get to inflate the girl with the processed juice, but if they max out the meters, the tanks burst and they get nothing. This way, there's a new risk/reward system and the player gets to watch the girl inflate.

8. Might be worth considering a one-handed mode.

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You probably already know these, but the boob toggle doesn't do anything, the game's file still calls it "Vaporeon Belly Game", clicking the big belly fast enough squishes it to become a very long horizontal line, she still deflates a little when both plugged and has her mouth covered while patting her belly (or if gassy is enabled), and the shiny toggle only changes the expanded belly (but changes to the old shiny Vaporeon color.)

Cool update though, it seems like it's a full upgrade of the character rather than just swapping out the Vaporeon fins like I was expecting based on the post.

If you need sounds, there's a lot available on Freesound, plus https://twitter.com/Inflate123/status/1253347249934893062 and https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37559286/ for more specific gas/air sounds.

Like Hotpink said, 64 bit is better and faster, but it's not supported on older devices. For computers, 99.99999% of devices are 64bit. For phones, it's something like 90%. My old phone I had about a week ago was 32bit, for example, and my current phone is 64bit.

For basically everyone, the best way to do it is pick 64bit apps, and if they don't work, try 32.

No prob.

Bro updated the images for the game with new content, but didn't mention anything about an update here, on [website omitted], or on the Discord server. Bruh.

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Just skimming past this conversation to say "Fuck McAfee". Most AV programs these days are already redundant with how good Windows Defender is compared to how it used to be, but McAfee in particular is awful, much like a lot of the other old, big-name AV programs.

I don't trust a single thing that comes out of McAfee's dirty old mouth, it barely works to protect against viruses and spits out a lot of false positives, there's a reason most AV programs these days offer a billion other services to go alongside the AV part, they know their time is up and they're diversifying so they don't collapse.

Defender + an adblocker + common sense; that's all anyone needs in 202X.

EDIT: Man, McAfee has been a joke for so long that we made fun of it about 10 years ago when I was a computer technician.

I'll probably just put the game on hold again and play on the next public update.

Playing v0.9.0, almost level 10 now, grinding mobs, still only have the wooden daggers. Are they the only implemented fist weapons right now? I've been grinding everything up to the diva just to see if something better will drop.

Tentacles are pretty dang forced, yeah. I guess it makes sense since it's the point of the game, but it still stinks when trying to get the AI to do something else.

Unarmed combat?


For some reason I thought I heard this game had pregnancy. Oh well, heh, I should've checked.

Anyway, comments:

  1. Slightly annoying, but not a big deal; everything you do resets the digging spots on the screen, including releasing Pokemon.
  2. There's not much to do outside of the berry collecting and the chatting and eventual sex. (Maybe another minigame, or some kind of collectable that unlocks something to do with that altar on the top-left? A legendary?)
  3. There's not enough Pokemon in the game for the "attracts blue Pokemon" or "attracts Dark Pokemon" berries to be useful, and they're outclassed by that enigma berry anyway.
  4. I wish there was something we could do with berries we'll never use, like I'll never use the male-attracting berry or the sex change one, I think I was sitting at like 50 each.
  5. I wish there was a pregnancy mechanic.
  6. Kinda wish the sex sounds had their own slider, all that "gluck gluck" and the squishy noises are setting off my misophonia, heh.

Fair, deleting it.

What happened to Inflatable Mob Girls?

Yeah, the test bay is for random test uploads, he changes them every so often.

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Wait, is the character supposed to be male? All the art in the game's thumbnails use the female MLP head shape, unless they changed it in G5 (I haven't watched G5 yet.)

is there a female toggle?

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Observations, good and bad:

1. D. Snut is like 10x harder than any of the other lower-tier bosses, mostly due to the floating flower things. Also the ground spike does damage a bit before the spike actually comes out, which has caught me a few times. Super annoying boss.
2. All the fights in the game consist of basically just hopping up and down shooting at the head (and missing half your shots because of the constant up-and-down of the flying mechanic), most don't even really need you to move left or right much.
3. I'm probably just dumb, but it took me a bit to figure out flapping is done via HOLDING the spacebar, I assumed it was a quick taptaptap thing because of the flying animation. (Any chance of a toggle to disable holding it down? I prefer manual tapping at my own pace, but I'll end up holding it too long and accidentally double-flapping, wasting some flight energy.)
4. Ms Toad and D. Snut are the only bottom bosses that have any challenge. D. Snut is annoying (see #1), and Ms Toad's shots only really give you a small window to attack towards the end, thanks to the tracking shots. Jinmom isn't hard at all, but she's just an awful bullet sponge that's really easy, you just stand on the floor and move back a little every time she lunges, getting free hits on her, though the biting "sparks" being completely RNG is irritating and it took me a couple hits to figure out what was hitting me.
5. I didn't realize until the angel that the bosses don't have collision damage and you can just move right through them.
6. Really wish body shots would still do like 5-10% damage as a consolation prize and to help soften up some of the slower bosses.
7. I can't tell, but I don't think the game has invincibility frames, which is kinda annoying in the more bullet-hell bosses like D. Snut and the angel; I'll just lose 2 HP suddenly. Might be a glitch, I dunno.
8. Collision with the stars in the angel boss seems off, lots of hits that I don't think were hits.

(EDIT: beat the game, but died while the angel's death animation was going on (pls add invincibility after the boss hits zero HP), and it started the final cutscene, but the bird's death animation was still going on, and when it ended, it ended the cutscene too, booting me back to the map screen, still having counted as a win, but I didn't get to see the cutscene.)

Oof, no idea there. Maybe try downloading it outside of the Itch app?

I've never used the app before, so I don't even know if it has support for HTML games or not, all I know is that HTML games are normally run through a browser and not some third-party launcher.

Bug reports:
1. I've got the same issue as Askme112, the text box covers the renew/quit buttons after the pregnancy is over.

2. The bottom of the game is cut off by a bit unless I ALT+ENTER it and go into the full fullscreen mode.

No virus warnings for 0.02. All good.

Yeah, unzipped to the desktop. I bet I probably did hit the MMB since that's a common button to turn cameras around in PC games.

Can't tell, is saving not implemented, or just broken? I'm on PC, if that matters. I'm not seeing anything on the Itch page about saves not working.

Main reason I'm asking is because the game mentions saving and quitting when you quit the game, but it seemed to have lost the data.

Oh boy, even 7-zip is throwing a fit about this game, it wont even let me open it because it's calling it a virus, after which it straight-up deleted the file.

I'm a trained computer technician and I've never seen 7-zip do that before. Heck, Windows Defender didn't even have time to respond. Redownloading it made my browser nervous and autodelete it too.

You sure your computer itself is clean? If your projects regularly trip people's AV often enough to mention it in the game's description, my assumption would be that your PC has a legitimate virus and it's bad enough to be infecting your files.

At least Steam is pretty okay with really crazy fetishes and such, so it's unlikely anyone's gonna get booted there.

The only thing with Steam is the $100 deposit (you get it back after $1000 in total sales), which is something that tends to surprise/dissuade people when posting there for the first time. IIRC the requirements are the deposit and a "press kit", meaning the description, tags, screenshots, that stuff.

Not a big deal, but "Launch" is misspelled in this news post.