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It's a cool concept, and once I figured out how to actually play, I had some fun with it. I like how it fully embraced the 16 color theme by having sixteen colors on screen.

I think that mixing up the color you're supposed to catch might be fun, especially if you want to roll with the theme as much as you are. Overall a pretty good execution.

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Thanks for the very nice comment chaoticnuketral, it really please me to read this ^^. As i said in another comment, there are a few way to improve this little game, and your idea is a very nice one !! I take note of that. ( in advance, sorry for my english..). And thanks for rating.


Your English is very good, I didn't notice any errors in it. I'm exited to see what you change. I enjoyed rating your game!

(1 edit)

Thanks again !! In fact, "google translate" help me a lot. I try to make some changes on my free time, wich is very short some times ^^


I use Google translate too, when I'm trying to speak Spanish. It makes conjugating verbs a looot easier.