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I enjoyed it and it was interesting to find that this game had an actual narrative and a very.. *questionable* one. It seems the game is trying to force it's ideas and regimes, it might be a stretch obviously but kind of like a mild/subtle brainwashing. The game is quite clearly idealizing communism/socialism/idealism which in their own right are all not really the best, while trying to completely disregard religion/capitalism which, I should say, are also not the best in regards to political theory. This is shown through the characters, MB being the obvious "villain" (capitalism),
Dirt being portrayed as a strange religion obsessed weirdo (religion, obviously lol), Doc, Teach and the Otaku girl (forgot her name) being the first three theories mentioned (of course some representing each individual more or less than others). TK is seemingly dragged into this strange situation out of the blue and Teach and the otaku chick seem to believe he's bad for apparently not realizing MB was corrupt (also can I just say there was absolutely no reason for Teach to be as much as a dick to TK as he was, he did absolutely nothing to him). The game wants you to side with Teach and the otaku for the sole reason that they are angry at him. The only "good" character in this game is doc (and arguably Dirt, although there are rarely chats with him), he's the only one genuinely trying to help while taking *almost* everything into consideration as should the smart, glasses. big word speaking trope characters do, while Teach and the otaku yell at him and MB sits back, I do have to say though, you portrayed MB's personification very nicely through his character, albeit, very straight forward and obvious (maybe cartoonish exaggeration? this is a game after all). I could go on about so much more, this game made me think quite a bit, but I feel I've typed too much already, no one is gonna read all the way to here, but I feel that I've covered the narrative side of the game for the most part, the gameplay is just your cookie cutter idle stuff.

All in all, the game is fine, with a nice little twist on this genre. I do wish the game wasn't so blatantly biased and centric though.

(1 edit) (+8)(-3)

Don't worry, I'm sure people, much as myself, have taken the time to read your comment.

But when you click on and play a game with the sub-title 'An anti-capitalist clicker for all ages' you should at least expect whatever you find inside.

People can and will express their opinions through their chosen medium, this being games, painting, writing or whatever else! You can disagree of course, but to call a work that's very honest and straight-forward with its messaging brainwashing is quite a stretch.

Good to hear you still had fun with it though, I enjoyed it a lot as well.


I did expect an anti-capitalist piece of media but what I didn't expect was glorification of other, arguably less ethical political theories. I don't exactly disagree, as I take no stance, but I didn't want it shoved in my face so blatantly, that's the point I was trying to make.  I do think that the brainwashing bit was a stretch as well, I mentioned that in the original post, it was just my brain going a bit wild with the idea. Something that I read from another user, "Flogger" was that the "sorry for colonizers" was unnecessary, it just felt random and like a way to have others who the think the same way say something "deep" about the game. Of course, in the end, none of this matters, my rating was just a critique, nothing more, nothing less, I'm glad you and everyone else who enjoyed it just as much as I did and I am also thankful you replied respectfully, I expected to have preteen alt tiktok girls with kuromi profile pictures to spam me to tell me how I was wrong because everyone should have anything they want.


Dude, there is no anti-capitalism that doesn't promote another economic system. Every other economic system resembles socialism in some way, including anarchism. There is no "neutral" option. You got what you asked for, you just didn't realize you didn't like what you asked for until too late.


Still take issue with your idea of glorification, but it's probably not worth getting into. My guess is that preteen alt TikTok girls with Kuromi profile pictures don't really browse itch that often, but I could be wrong. Maybe the tidal wave is fast approaching, like the calm before a storm or the sea pulling back before a tsunami hits. If that's the case good luck and have fun!


my guy nobody is saying everyone should have a mansion

we're saying it's nonsensical that we aren't providing basic needs for all of society, which we can do, easily, for the sum benefit of 'we're burning the world faster'.


It's surprising the amount of down votes this post got, people did not seem to like you because you don't agree with certain politics :P; But anyways, I don't really care about the politic stuff that much, but i agree with you with how obviously it wants you to dislike or like certain characters, feels like a bit of lazy writing. Apart from that the game was decent.