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I agree with TRy Dev, the pixel art is amazing, and the first boss scene with the tree Guard is amazing! Well done!

The colour palette you used made your game stand out amongst the rest.


1. How did you pull of the portals? Is that a shader?

2. How did you manage the separation of colours? Is there a filter or something?

Well done on a great game!


Thanks for your kind words!

1. Yes this is a shader. I made a copy of the background from each area and resized it to 128x128px. Then in the shader I calculated the distance(radius) from the center and rotated the pixels/fragments this radius (this gives a spiral) * sin(TIME) (this unwraps/wraps the spiral over time) + TIME (this rotates the whole thing constantly). I also set the alpha channel depending on the distance from the radius, this makes it a circle). You can find the shader here in the sourcecode: Portal.tscn

2. This is a shader as well. In the beginning I tried to use a Screenreading shader, but the problem was, that I wanted some Nodes in the game to not be affected. So I opted for a ShaderMaterial for every Node that should be grayed out. This was a bit of a pain, but there's a flag "Use parent material" which makes it a bit easier. In this shader I have 3 boolean parameters which are set by the game mechanic and by checking the parameters I disable/enable certain colors (for the disabled colors I use the average from the three color channels). See here: Color.shader (Disclaimer: The calculation of the gray value is not perfect, if I had more time I would've implemented a more accurate calculation)

Feel free to use all of it, I licensed it under an MIT License.

Oh wow! Thank you for such a detailed explanation! Shaders are still legends of myth in my understanding, when I try to engage more, I will definitely come back with more questions now that I found someone who can implement them well :D
