Hey! Thank you for playing and your feedback!
Glad you had fun :)
The choice of music sets a greate ambiente, and the music transitions in during boss fights are great!
Movement felt a bit strange and bouncy at first, but I very quickly started to like the goofy movment 😁
It seemed a bit empty in some places, this was great for the atmoshpere sometimes (e.g. the worm cave) but some other places could be filled a bit more (with background elements or enemies).
Speaking of the worm cave, wtf is up with the worms 😂 the first one almost didn't let me go and I was running around the cave in fear another one could appear... an impressive amount of fear... great job on that one! 😁
The camera transitions between rooms were a bit wonky at a few places (it seemed to be triggered a bit late sometime, but this could also be me), but in general the worked pretty good!
All in all great job! Had a lot of fun playing!
Skull mode make a great and innovative gameplay feature (additionally to looking funny)! Very nice idea!
The jumping didn't feel quite right for me and could use a bit improvement in my opinion. But the hilarious death animation made up for it every time i jumped into the spikes 😂 (Fun fact, had a pretty similar idea for the death animation in my game Bone Runner for another game jam a few months ago).
Congrats to this nice entry! :)
Finally got to my windows pc to play this 😅
The graphics and sounds are sick, great job on that.
The controls and the inventory where a bit confusing to me, took me quite a while to get going, until I found the controls menu. Nevermind, I just realized, I didn't even get to the proper itch page with the controls table, because I downloaded it directly from the submission page🤦
Also an impressive amount of npc's to talk to, which is nice!
Great game all in all!
Thanks so much for the nice review!
Glad to hear that the bomb throwing is intuitive for people.
I can see how the difficulty can be a bit offputting... Some of the enemies have a few bugs, where they can make an insane amount of damage at once. I have some fixes for that ready as well as checkpoints, but it wasn't ready for the update/bugfix deadline sadly :)
Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun.
Nice idea with the square bombs 😂 we haven‘t thought of that one.
And sorry for the mushroom thing. We weren‘t able to fix that one in time. But usually you should be able to destory the mushrooms with the other bombs or otherwise game progress is preserved if you reload the game.
Quite loved the graphics and animations! Looks great with how the floor is shaped!
The platforming felt a bit unfair to me at some points. A few things I like to consider when working on platformers:
But I have to say, the placement of the platforms felt very natural and good!
I hope this doesn't sound to negative, I really, really liked the game!!!
Great job on this entry!
I really liked the sound effects. Some simple background music would've been great!
The jumping felt a bit floating to me, but it wasn't that bad either.
The laser robots get into action very fast, which is nice and took me quite by surprise with the first one 😂! Also really liked the bosses!
Damage indication on the bosses could help to make a bit clearer whats happening (like sound effects, modulate sprite to red shortly or even a health bar).
All in all a solid and well rounded entry. Great job!
Nice game! Haven't made it through yet, hope I'll find some time to continue it.
I was impressed with the jumping puzzles where you need to destroy the blocks and then wait for them to reappear to continue, simple but great idea :)
There were a lot of rooms with no enemies and no obstacles in them, those should be made more interesting or not be there at all as they don't bring much value to the game IMHO.
Anyways had fun playing it, and nice job on the saving system, did not expect to be right where I left when restarting the game 👌🏼
Congrats on this entry!
Hey! Thanks for playing! Good to hear you had fun with the mushrooms.
I can see how having all the bombs in the beginning can be a bit confusing. We discussed this while developing actually, but then decided to leave it in to give a sense of loss after the goblin raid and as 4rdi already said, in honor of Castlevaina :)
Also, good point with the soundeffects, they could need a bit of polish/balancing!
Anyways, thanks for all the valuable feedback!