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This is probably my favorite game so far.

I think you really nailed the JRPG style. Combat is fun, even though it doesn't have a lot of depth. Artstyle is very good (I am surprised you managed to do it in only a month).

It seems to me, that the game might feel a bit unintuitive for people unfamiliar with the genre. (And for ones familiar as well. It took me some time to realize that you can open crates, for example). This is probably the only serious nitpick I have.

Other than that, this is a very well-made game. I hope you will continue working on it.

(1 edit)

Thank you ^^! 

Thanks for the feedback about the crates, I was thinking of giving then a light but I was afraid it would be too obvious that they were interactables...

Thinking about it, a label may do the trick.

Also, yes, this story is not over yet~