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Hey, thanks for the response!

I agree, elves been part of the "game topic" just like the "androids", but it felts like some characters and overall history changed way too much at last updates and doesn't fit them too much with previous narrative.

Lin for example, in very short time went from a submissive maid who was okay with "their reality", to a character who's mostly accusing everyone of elfphobes with inner hate. For Nia felts natural as her background is consistent.

As said before, I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but felts like the game is losing the "dating sim" thematic but becoming more like an action visual novel in order to achieve deep immersion on the main topics.

Hope my comment doesn't sound bad, my only intention is to give a constructive feedback :-) 


I agree with you. It's not to be rude, only constructive, but the whole story isn't very interesting to me and in particular takes me out of it.

I'd much rather have more of a personal focus on Lin and her life than a wider focus on elves as a whole. That feels like it should be something optional, not the only way to further her story.


You did experience a story about Lin's personal life. That was the first parts of her story until recently. You've grown her into a good cook, she's fairly independent now, she's not so shy and is even the boss of the kitchen, her insecurities have been fixed and she's found the one person she wants to spend the rest of her life with. The only thing she wants now is a child with the MC, which she refuses to do unless that child will be treated equally.

If you don't want a serious story, this game isn't for you.


I was worried you'd respond like this. Your inability to take criticism isn't a good look for you. You don't have to agree, you certainly don't have to change your game for it, but if the best response you can give to my criticism is "if you don't want a serious story, this game isn't for you" about a game that's literally just based on fucking a bunch of women at once, you have something seriously disconnected in your brain.

You are not writing classical literature here, you're writing smut. I'm not criticizing that, I'm playing the smut like everyone else here, but you need some perspective desperately.


From a poll I did the other day for Harem Hotel


Lin was only okay with you being her master because you've been the best master she's ever had. MC treats Lin very equal and helps her with almost anything she needs.

Once Lin fell in love with MC, she said she would like to have a child with him, but she would never want to bring a half elf into this world because they have no rights. This happened quite a while ago, it was in the background because the focus was on her character (learning about her, fixing her, unlocking sex, etc). The slavery aspect of the world is in the foreground now because this is one of the last problems she has to deal with, but it's also one of the hardest. The rest I mentioned above has largely been solved and there's no point in going over the same story points over and over again.

Lin has never accused anyone of being an "elfphobe", I don't know where you're getting this.

Harem Hotel has never been only a dating sim. As it says in the description of this game: "Upgrade your hotel, build friendships with them, follow their stories, and train them."

While it certainly has dating sim themes, and will continue to have them, my goal for this game is more than just meeting a girl, fucking her, marrying her, and seeing the end screen.

Harem Hotel is a lot of things. Thematically it's a fantasy contemporary sci fi. Some events like Ashley's are emotional, some like Nia's are action packed. In the end, what this is, is my story.